I think there is a problem with my Processing program to write datas to the Serial Port. Or there is a problem with my Arduino code to read datas from the serial Port.
I give you both program. Thank you.
import java.util.Arrays;
import sync.*;
import processing.serial.*;
Serial arduinoport;
void setup() {
//perspective setting
size(1000, 800, P3D);
//********to send value to Arduino
String[] ports = Serial.list();
// printArray(ports);
arduinoport = new Serial(this,ports[6],115200);//Carefull: chosse the port matching to the serial list
void draw() {
arduinoPos ( );
void arduinoPos () {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String pos = (-232) +"*"+(4232) +"*"+(1111)+"*"+(56232)+"*"+(-222)+"*";
// String pos = (int (i*2))+"*"+ (int (10))+"*"+ (int (-i))+"*"+ (int (12))+"*"+ (int (314))+"*";//
print (" pos ");println (pos);
arduinoport.write(pos); // Send data to Arduino.
Send data received to another serial port (Serial1) to monitor incoming data on Arduino monitor (or other terminal software).
It was sending and receiving just fine.
Some observations about your code below.
It is set to 80 fps.
Sending the same data string 5 times in a loop every frame.
Is this necessary? If not slow things down.
I will post code when I clean it up
Arduino *updated*
long w0, w1, w2, w3, w4; // speed in number step /second
boolean dataReady = false;
void setup()
Serial.begin (9600); // From Processing
Serial1.begin (9600); // Arduino Monitor
Serial1.print ("A "); Serial1.println (-4);
Serial1.print ("B "); Serial1.println (-3);
Serial1.print ("C "); Serial1.println (-2);
Serial1.print ("D "); Serial1.println (-1);
Serial1.print ("E "); Serial1.println (-10);
void loop()
receiveData(); // receive data from Processing
Serial1.println ("loop"); // Mostly for debugging to see of receivData() was blocking code.
void receiveData()
if (Serial.available() > 0)
// String inString = Serial.readStringUntil('*');
// Serial1.println(inString);
// int inByte = Serial.read();
// Serial1.print(char(inByte));
w0 = Serial.parseInt();
w1 = Serial.parseInt();
w2 = Serial.parseInt();
w3 = Serial.parseInt();
w4 = Serial.parseInt();
dataReady = true;
if (dataReady)
//dataReady == false; //Arduino flagged this as an error!
dataReady = false; // Correction
import processing.serial.*;
Serial arduinoPort;
void setup()
size(500, 500, P3D);
String[] ports = Serial.list();
arduinoPort = new Serial(this, ports[4],9600);//Carefull: chosse the port matching to the serial list
delay(2000); //Arduino reboots when making a serial connection; this gives it some time to be ready.
void draw()
if(frameCount%30 == 0) //Does a write every .5 sec
arduinoPos( );
void arduinoPos ()
//for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //Why?
String pos = (-232) +"*"+(4232) +"*"+(1111)+"*"+(56232)+"*"+(-222)+"*";
print (" pos ");
println (pos);
arduinoPort.write(pos); // Send data to Arduino.
//arduinoPort.write('\n'); //Use if you want this to end string
Sending data to serial can get really slow. It seems to me that you’re writing 80 x 5 times per seconds (framerate x for loop in arduinoPos() ).
Do you need to send you data that fast?
You could also try reducing the Baud Rate.
Thank so much Glv, it works now.
I’m sorry for the duplicate post. As I didn’t see it in my diary, I believed I didn’t ask the question.
If I want to keep sending data at 115200 baud at 60 frame rate, which calcul should I do, I want to send 5 datas each .1 sec. And so, how set this if(frameCount%30 == 0) //Does a write every .5 sec.
The draw cycle has a frame rate of 60 fps (default).
That means each frame is 1/60 second which is 16.66667 ms
Every 6 frames would be 100 ms; you can do the math.
You can review the modulo operator to see how the frameCount timer works.
Write some simple examples of code with println() statements and you will understand it quickly.
The frameRate can vary from frame to frame and frameCount may not serve as the best timer. :)
millis() is always counting in the background and can be read anytime.
You can write some code to display your counter output to see if it suits your application; there will timing errors to consider because you are still sending data during a draw() cycle.
Here is an example of a simple timer that can be adapted:
int timeStart;
int timeIncrement;
int timeNow;
int count = 0;
void setup()
size(100, 100);
timeStart = millis();
void draw()
timeIncrement = 1000;
timeNow = millis();
if(timeNow >= timeStart + timeIncrement)
//Do something
timeStart = millis(); // reset for next cycle
There are other discussions out there about precise timing. I only linked one as an example; do some research and see what is out there.
I will be looking in to the use of thread() for this; you inspired that.
It is important that you do some research on this.
I just got you started.