My functions are giving me an error, wanting a semicolon somewhere

These functions are giving me an error, asking for a semicolon, but when I add it, it doesn’t fix the error.
int arrayTotal(int array[]) {
int total= 0;
for (int i= 0; i<array.length; i++) {
return total;

void setXandYCoords(Die dice[]) {
for (int i= 0; i<dice.length; i++) {
int x= (dice.length/2)-i;
return null;

When processing tells you that you have a missing semicolon where you clearly doesn’t, it generally means that you have something like a missing bracket.

In your case, you’re missing a ‘)’ in this line. I believe you should add it after the ~.getDieFace().width/2

I tried that, and it is still giving me an error. Also, for arrayTotal function, it is still giving me an error. Any thoughts?
int arrayTotal(int array[]) { int total= 0; for (int i= 0; i<array.length; i++) { total+=array[i]; } return total; }

I guess the error is somewhere else

please post entire code

int arrayTotal( int array[] ) { 
   int total= 0; 
   for (int i= 0; i<array.length; i++) { 
   return total; 

In general:

You have a class Die

In this line, you are referring 3 times to the dice[i]. (apart from the initial one).
This calls for making the line a function (method) within the class:

void setCoordsForScreen() {