September 1, 2021, 6:28am
I want to change the canvas between some resolutions that I have preset. But my solution doesn’t work completely.
It works with the first two, but when I select one of the other four, a resolution equal to one of the first two appears. Why?
I have created seven arrays:
The first six are the individual resolutions for the canvas
resolution1 = [540, 540];
resolution2 = [1080, 1080];
resolution3 = [540, 960];
resolution4 = [1080, 1920];
resolution5 = [960, 540];
resolution6 = [1920, 1080];
The seventh array is the list of resolutions = (resolution1, resolution2, resolution3, etc);
Finally, I created a variable resolutionMode = 0
to which I manually change the numerical value according to the resolution I want to see.
This is the setup:
function setup() {
let s = min(resolutions[resolutionMode]);
createCanvas(s, s);
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Variable resolutions is a 2D array. Each of its inner arrays got 2 values.
So function min() picks the lowest value outta those 2 values.
B/c the 1st 2 & last inner arrays have the same value for both width & height , while the others have different values.
It doesn’t make sense using min() to extract 1 of those 2 values. You need both values!
Instead you can make an array destructuring assignment like this:
const [ w, h ] = resolutions[resolutionMode];
createCanvas(w, h);
Or straight up use the spread operator ...
on resolutions[][] when calling createCanvas() :
The spread (...) syntax allows an iterable, such as an array or string, to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for array literals) are expected. In an object literal, the spread syntax enumerates the...
const resolutions = [
[540, 540], // 0
[1080, 1080], // 1
[540, 960], // 2
[1080, 1920], // 3
[960, 540], // 4
[1920, 1080] // 5
let resolutionMode = 2; // [540, 960]
function setup() {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER).textSize(width >> 3);
text(`[ ${width}, ${height} ]`, width >> 1, height >> 1);
September 5, 2021, 4:37pm
you have been very clear. thank you very much