I google this problem but otehr one sort out!
I cannot create a new instance of one of my class, here is the main:
Snake snake;
A tmp;
int frameSpeed = 1;//the frame rate
int score = 0;
//int bestScore = 0;
int attempts = 1;
Population pop;
int amountOfSnakes = 200;
void setup()
{//on startup
size(600, 800);
tmp = new A();
snake = new Snake();
pop = new Population(amountOfSnakes);// create new population of size 200
void draw() {
Well, A and Snake class had been created with no error but new Population not!
Snake and A are non-statich class, Population is a static class!!!
Help, im struggling with no clue or result!
Can you please post a small example program that demonstrates the problem? Note that this should not be your full sketch, but it should be enough for us to copy and paste to see ourselves.
I’m sorry I did not see that you had declared it already! I will continue looking at your code, but I’ll keep my original explanation in case if someone else has a sort of similar problem
As of now, I would like to also ask that you post a little more about your problem, so that we could help out further!
Original Response:
From what you posted, take a look at the top of your code:
Snake snake;
A tmp;
Looks like A and Snake are the only ones working, because it seems that those are the only ones that you actually declared
Just add this to the top of your code:
Population pop;
To match what you have here in setup() :
pop = new Population(amountOfSnakes);
You need to make sure you declare a variable or class before you can actually try to use it and such. If Processing is saying something like “Must qualify the allocation” that means that you are trying to initialize a variable, in this case: pop, and you didn’t even allocate any memory to it by declaring it yet! It’s easy to forget especially if you build the class first, but yes always remember to declare your objects up top, trust me- I’ve been there too
I apologize with everybody!
I solved my problem adjusting the folder name with the class that hold the “main” structurre (setup() and draw()) and now it starts to work again!
So the problem was 75% a folder problem solved changed main class name and folder name!
Thank you all for fast reply and super help!
Now I lost the error cause I got some others in the old files, but It was something related to instance of main class Snakefield correlated to population!
Yeah sure. I fixed the problem but I post it anyway!
static class Jumble
Snake snakes[]; //All Snakes part of snakes
int bestScore; //Best score ever achieved
int bestFitness; //Best fitness ever achieved
float mutationRate; //Global mutation rate
int maxPopulation; //Max number of population
int generation;
Jumble(float MutationRate, int MaxPopulation)
mutationRate = MutationRate;
maxPopulation = MaxPopulation;
snakes = new Snake[MaxPopulation];
Jumble(int MaxPopulation)
snakes = new Snake[MaxPopulation];
//Be God, create all the Snakes
for (int i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++)
snakes[i] = new Snake();
//Calculates fitness of every snake
void calcFitness()
for (int i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++)
//Let's play Noah's Ark
void naturalSelection()
Snake[] newGeneration = new Snake[snakes.length]; //next generation of snakes
for (int i = 0; i < newGeneration.length; i++)
//select 2 parents based on fitness
Snake mother = choseSnake();
Snake father = choseSnake();
//crossover the 2 snakes to create the child
Snake child = Population.crossover(motehr, father); //TODO
//Snake child = parent1.crossover(parent2); //You have could use Instance method of a class
//mutate the child (weird thing to type)
//add the child to the next generation
newGeneration[i] = child;
//newGeneration[i] = selectSnake().clone().mutate(globalMutationRate); //uncomment this line to do natural selection without crossover
Snake choseSnake()
This function take all percentage of the snaked and transform into a POOL (array)
subdivided by the percentage of the snake
Pool [A|A|A|A|A|B|B|B|C|D];
Then convert the percentage before insert the snake into array using sigmoid()
So I get value between 0 and 1 and finally take the best creating new Population
float[] allFitness = new float[maxPopulation];
//Insert all fitness into array
for(int i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++)
allFitness[i] = snakes[i].getFitness();
//Convert fitness into value between 0<->1
allFitness[i] *= 100;
//Make it to percentage
//NOT SURE TODO, test it until insert fitness!
//Create next Population
/* void nextGeneration()
for(int i = 0; i < maxPopulation; i++)
Snake mother = floor(random())//Fish into the pool
Snake father = floor(random())//Fish into the pool
Snake child = Population.crossover(mother, father); //Crossover daddy and mommy
child.mutate(this.mutationRate);//Mutate the child
this.snakes[i] = child;//Inser him in the new Jumble
generation += 1;
} */
Well I definitively have some similar problem now!
This is the error:
No enclosing instance of type Main is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type Main (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of Main).
Here is the class involved:
int FPS = 1;//the frame rate
int score = 0;
int bestScore = 0;
int attempts = 1;
int jumbleSize = 200;
Jumble jumble;
Snake snake;
void setup()
//on startup
size(600, 800);
snake = new Snake();
jumble = new Jumble();// create new population of size 200
void draw()
line(0, 600, 600, 600);
text("Score: " + score, 10, 640);
text("Length: " + snake.len, 10, 680);
text("Attempts: " + attempts, 360, 640);
text("Speed: " + FPS, 360, 680);
text("Control Snake using 'wasd'", 100, 725);
text("Increase/Decrease speed using + or -", 100, 750);
text("Enable/Disable wall using L " + "(" + snake.getWall() + ")", 100, 775);
//pos = pos.add(vel);//accelera :D
//rect(pos.x, pos.y, 10, 10);
// snake.look();//Print what he should see
attempts += 1;
void keyPressed()
case 'w'://toggle show all
case 'a'://toggle show all
case 's'://toggle show all
case 'd'://toggle show all
case '+'://speed up frame rate
FPS += 10;
case '-'://slow down frame rate
if (FPS > 10) //Check framerate > 10
FPS -= 10;
case 'l':
case 'c'://Enable cheat, gnam gnam
//Food food0 = new Food(100, 100);
//Food food1 = new Food(120, 100);
static class Jumble
Snake snakes[]; //All Snakes part of snakes
int bestScore; //Best score ever achieved
int bestFitness; //Best fitness ever achieved
float mutationRate; //Global mutation rate
int maxPopulation; //Max number of population
int generation;
int bestScore = 0; //Best score ever achieved
int bestFitness = 0; //Best fitness ever achieved
float mutationRate = 0; //Global mutation rate
int maxPopulation = 0; //Max number of population
int generation = 0;
Jumble(float MutationRate, int MaxPopulation)
mutationRate = MutationRate;
maxPopulation = MaxPopulation;
snakes = new Snake[MaxPopulation];
Jumble(int MaxPopulation)
snakes = new Snake[MaxPopulation];
//Be God, create all the Snakes
for (int i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++)
snakes[i] = new Snake(); //HERE GET THE ERROR
Now I tried put the class Jumble non-static and I have no error, probably I am doing the same thing as last time where @quark and @neilcsmith help me!
Well u re right!
I think I have to adapt to don’t have static class and use Random class and avoid instance method… So sad about this, I really like instance methods!
The main problem is that any class defined in the main window is treated as an Inner Class, one way to make it a top level class is to declare it as static. This is a fudge and generally should be avoided.
In Processing the only true way to make a top level class is to declare it in its own .java tab named after the class. For instance your Population class would be in a tab called Population.java.
IMPORTANT the tab name must be exactly the same as the class name including case followed by “.java” otherwise it won’t work.
Here is a Population class (true top-level class)
// This is in a tab called 'Population.java'
import processing.core.*;
class Population {
private PApplet app;
private int nbrSnakes;
public Population(PApplet papp, int nbrOfSnakes){
app = papp;
nbrSnakes = nbrOfSnakes;
public void setNbrSnakes(int nos){
nbrSnakes = nos;
public int getNbrSnakes(){
return nbrSnakes;
and in the main tab use this to test it.
Population p;
void setup(){
p = new Population(this, 40);