Hello @bachrock,
Find a suitable font (web search found the ones below) with music notes.
I did a bit of searching for insight on how to display Unicode characters with Processing and Java to achieve this.
This works with Processing 4.3 Java:
PFont myFont;
import java.lang.Character.*;
void setup()
size(1100, 1000);
// Uncomment the following two lines to see the available fonts
//String[] fontList = PFont.list();
//myFont = createFont("Symbola.ttf", 64, true);
myFont = createFont("Musisync-KVLZ.ttf", 64, true);
textAlign(CENTER, BOTTOM);
//int fontStart = 0x1D100; // Symbola font
int fontStart = 0x0000; // Musisync-KVLZ font
for(int i=0; i<200; i++)
int u = fontStart+i;
char [] uc = Character.toChars(u);
String s = new String (uc);
//text(s, i%20*50+70, (i/20)*80+100); // rows and columns
text(s, random(10, width-10), random(10, height-10)); //random
- https://www.fontspace.com/category/notation
- https://www.fontspace.com/musisync-font-f3723
- https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D100.pdf
Above code also worked with Symbola font for other characters: