I have a problem of moving the big circle in the direction of small circle when a button is pressed. can anyone help?
Make a circle on canvas [Done]
Draw a small circle that rotates around the big circle [Done]
Move the big circle for 5 pixels when a button is pressed in the direction of small circle pointing at that time [pending]
add a drawing effect while moving [pending]
let angle = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
let cir = createVector(200,200);
let velocity = createVector();
let r = 10;
k = circle(cir.x, cir.y, r * 2);
let x = r *2* cos(angle);
let y = r *2* sin(angle);
point(x, y);
angle += 0.01;
k.x += x;
k.y += y;
Hey Harsha
if u r trying to create a trail or drawing effect while it is moving I would recommend using background(0,10) instead of background(0)
and for the second point try using cir.add(createVector(x,y).setMag(0.5)); if mouse in pressed and make cir global and define it value inside the setup function