Mixing Pixels and Tracking pixel

I would like to track different location from my screen.

The aim is to send this r, g, b data to an Arduino and modulate 8 strip Led with 8 led.

In my example I have 3 ellipse, I would like to track the center of them.

I manage to track 3 location, but I would like mixing pixel with just a gray layer because im my program I don’t know what I’m really doing :face_with_peeking_eye:
Thanks for helping!

 * Mixture Grid  
 * modified from an example by Simon Greenwold. 
 * Display a 2D grid of boxes with three different kinds of lights. 
   float count = 0;
   color ligne = color(204, 153, 0);// not used
   int colAve = color(12);
   int col2Ave = color(12);
    int col3Ave = color(12);

void setup() {
  size(640, 360, P3D);
  colorMode (RGB, 255, 255, 255);

void draw() {
  for (int x = 0; x <= width; x += 60) {
    for (int y = 0; y <= height; y += 60) {
      translate(x, y);
     // stroke (count%=255);
     // fill (75, 50, 100);
      rotateY(map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, PI));
      rotateX(map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, PI));
     //rotateX(map(140, 0, width, 0, PI));
    // rotateY(map(140, 0, height, 0, PI));
     rotateY(map(180*cos(count)+height/2, 0, height, 0, PI));
     rotateX(map(180*cos(count)+width/2, 0, width, 0, PI));

  int sqW = 20;
  int xMin = mouseX - sqW;
  int xMax = mouseX + sqW;
  int yMin = mouseY - sqW;
  int yMax = mouseY + sqW;
  int redAve = 0;
  int greenAve = 0;
  int blueAve = 0;
  int redAve2 = 0;
  int greenAve2 = 0;
  int blueAve2 = 0;
  int redAve3 = 0;
  int greenAve3 = 0;
  int blueAve3 = 0;

 for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) 
    // Loop through every pixel row
  for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) 
        // Use the formula to find the 1D location
      int loc = x + y * width; //why this formula?
      if (loc>0 && loc<pixels.length)
        if((x-mouseX)*(x-mouseX) + (y-mouseY)*(y-mouseY) < sqW*sqW)
          //print(hex(pixels[loc]), " ");
         // redAve += red(pixels[loc]);
          greenAve += green(pixels[loc]);
        //  blueAve += blue(pixels[loc]);
          colAve =int (int (redAve/1) | (greenAve) | (blueAve));     

        //  println(hex(redAve), hex(greenAve), hex(blueAve));
        if (frameCount%1==0){
            println ( " pixel " + get(mouseX, mouseY) + " ");         
            println ( " pix60 " + get(mouseX + 60, mouseY) + " ");
            println ( " ave00 " +(redAve) ,(greenAve), (blueAve));   
             set(x, y, (int) (colAve));   
            println( " col0 " + colAve);
              // Use the formula to find the 1D location
     int loc2 = x+60 + y * width; //why this formula?      
     if (loc2>0 && loc2<pixels.length+ 60)
        if((x-mouseX)*(x-mouseX) + (y-mouseY)*(y-mouseY) < sqW*sqW)
            redAve2 += red(pixels[loc2]);
          //    greenAve2 += green(pixels[loc2]);
          //    blueAve2 += blue(pixels[loc2]);
             col2Ave = redAve2 | (greenAve2) | (blueAve2);     
          //  println(hex(redAve), hex(greenAve), hex(blueAve));
         if (frameCount%1==0)
            println ( " pixe2 " + get(mouseX, mouseY) + " ");     
            println ( " pix62 " + get(mouseX + 60, mouseY) + " ");
            println ( " ave22 " +(redAve2) ,(greenAve2), (blueAve2));                         
            set(x+60, y, col2Ave);            
            println ( " col2 " + col2Ave);
     int loc3 = x+120 + y * width; //why this formula?      
     if (loc3>0 && loc3<pixels.length+ 120)
        if((x-mouseX)*(x-mouseX) + (y-mouseY)*(y-mouseY) < sqW*sqW)
          //  redAve3 += red(pixels[loc3]);
          //    greenAve2 += green(pixels[loc3]);
              blueAve3 += blue(pixels[loc3]);
             col3Ave = redAve3 | (greenAve3) | (blueAve3);     
          //  println(hex(redAve), hex(greenAve), hex(blueAve));
         if (frameCount%1==0)
            println ( " pixe3 " + get(mouseX, mouseY) + " ");     
            println ( " pix33 " + get(mouseX + 60, mouseY) + " ");
            println ( " ave33 " +(redAve3) ,(greenAve3), (blueAve3));                         
            set(x+120, y, col3Ave);            
            println ( " col3 " + col3Ave);


void defineLights() {
  // Orange point light on the right
  pointLight(150, 100, 0,   // Color
            200, -150, 0); // Position

  // Blue directional light from the left
directionalLight(0, 102, 255, // Color
                   1, 0, 0);    // The x-, y-, z-axis direction

  // Yellow spotlight from the front
  spotLight(255, 255, 109,  // Color
            0, 40, 200,     // Position
            0, -0.5, -0.5,  // Direction
            PI / 2, 2);     // Angle, concentration