Minim Loop Synchronization

Hey there! This is my first post here so please excuse me if it’s in the wrong place.

I’m thinking of putting together a really simple little 4 track looping pedal type program using minim but I’m not quite sure if there’s a way to synchronize the looped playback of multiple audio files of the same length. Is there a way to listen for the end/beginning of a file’s loop and run a function when that happens?

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if you not use the “loop” function
and make with

  • a little logic and
  • check on player position

your own auto play you have full control
and can add graphic features…

example for a easy two song auto play

import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer player1, player2;
int play = 0;  // 1 2 

void setup() {
  size(512, 200, P3D);
  minim = new Minim(this);
  player1 = minim.loadFile("groove1.mp3");
  player2 = minim.loadFile("groove2.mp3");          // i make just a rename and a copy from original example

void draw() {
  background(200, 200, 0);
  //_____________________________________________________________________ graphic position info
  float pos1x = map(player1.position(), 0, player1.length(), 0, width);
  stroke(0, 0, 200);
  line(pos1x, height/2, pos1x, height/2 -20);
  float pos2x = map(player2.position(), 0, player2.length(), 0, width);
  stroke(200, 0, 200);
  line(pos2x, height/2, pos2x, height/2 +20);
  //_____________________________________________________________________ text info  
  if      ( player1.isPlaying() )    text("song 1", 10, 20 );
  else if ( player2.isPlaying() )    text("song 2", 10, 20 );
  else                               text("press a key to start", 10, 20);
  //_____________________________________________________________________ play next auto at end
  if ( play == 1 && ( player1.position() == player1.length() ) ) song2();
  if ( play == 2 && ( player2.position() == player2.length() ) ) song1();

void song1() {
  play = 1; 

void song2() {
  play = 2; 

void keyPressed() { //___________________________________________________ manual start required

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Rather than AudioPlayer, you might be interested in using Sampler – depending on your loop length and what effects you have in mind (like if you want to be able to do layering).

You might also be interested in past work. It would probably need to be updated for the current minim library and Processing 3.x: