Menu bar apple for your app

For the coder need to use a menu bar for their app processing. I make a code to set your menu bar. That’s work on apple. I don’t know for Window or Linux.
To set your menu bar, you just need to describe what you want in your menu in a JSON file.
you have the possibility to add submenu, check box and key event.

  "help": {"menu": "controler!?,prescene?,scene?"},
  "file": {
    "load recent": "blaubird.rope,youngtimer.rope",
    "menu": "load>o>cmd,load recent+,|,save>s>cmd,save as>s>cmd>shift,save as a copy>s>cmd>shift>alt"
  "import": {"menu": "import media>i>cmd,import image,import video,import sound,import text,import shape,|,import folder"},
  "about": {"menu": "information,version"},
  "menu bar": "about,file,import,help"

and code a the method bellow to use the result from the menu bar:

void what_happen_in_menu(String what, ActionEvent ae) {
	println("here code your the behavior of", what);

WARNING : Menu Bar don’t work with P2D and P3D. IF any body can code something to use it in P2D or P3D that’s can be awesome!!!
the code example to use is here

there is a few dependancie with my library rope, so you need to download it and install by the old school way… drag and drop :slight_smile:

and special thanks for the help @gotoloop and @quark for the help of real developer stuff :slight_smile: