Hi all,
I am creating a game in processing and arduino. The game Character is a little red fish who can move inside his pool. I would like that the fish his head moves left when he is directed to move left by the controller. (and vise versa). I have tried to do this by using IF statements for the values of the X position of the controller, if the value is between the range of 0 and 512 (middle of controller) I want to draw a left fish, as then the controller is moved to the left. And if the value is between 512 and 1028 I will call the image in which the head of the fish is directed to the right.
Unfortunately this does not seem to work so what I am now trying is to measure the X position of the Fish, and check weather this value of X is increasing or decreasing, so whether the position of this fish becomes more right or more left. And then with an IF statement I can call the correct images. However, I do not know how to measure whether this Xpos in my code in or de creasing. Anyone any idea?
I thought of saving the X position and compare it with the X position afterwards, and then check whether it is lower of higher. But I did not manage to make this work either…
Some tips or examples would be highly appreciated! Thanks!
Here is my code:
DATE: 23_10_2022
// Importing the serial library.
import processing.serial.*;
// Declare serial communication port
Serial myPort;
String inString;
int[] data = {0, 0, 1}; // Array of data received from the serial port
// Declare game characters
PImage Campus;
PImage EgbertRight;
PImage EgbertLeft;
PImage Bottle;
PImage Corn;
PImage Bread;
boolean dataValid = false;
void setup() {
size (1920, 1081);
// printArray(Serial.list());
String myPortName = Serial.list()[2];
myPort = new Serial(this, myPortName, 9600);
Campus = loadImage("Artboard 1.png");
EgbertRight = loadImage("Egbertred2.png");
EgbertLeft = loadImage ("Egbertred2.2.png");
//Bottle = loadImage("plastic.png");
//Corn = loadImage("corn.png");
//Bread = loadImage("bread.png");
// initiating coordinate variables of joystick
int xPos; // X data received through serial
int yPos; // Y data received through serial
int Pressed;
float EgbertX; // the X position of the Egbert Image
float EgbertY; // the y position of the Egbert Image
void draw() {
if (dataValid) {
// mark new data is processed
dataValid = false;
// and process data
// mapping the range of the X and Y input data of the Joystick to match the drawn pool
// (I have found the correct X and Y coordinates by a mousepressed function to print the coordinates of every corner)
//if (mousePressed){
//println("X position is", mouseX, "and Y position is", mouseY);
xPos = int(map(data[0], 0, 1023, 220, 1684));
yPos = int(map(data[1], 0, 1023, 220, 855));
// translating the origin of egbert to the centre of the png of Egbert,
// for correct mapping of the object. (Because the Png of Egbert has white space around it).
float CentreEgbertX = xPos-((EgbertRight.width)/2);
float CentreEgbertY = yPos-((EgbertRight.height)/2);
// interpolating between the X of Y position of Egbert, and the movement of the joystick
// moving 3% of the way to the joystick location each frame
// to make sure the movement of the joystick is not so sensitive
EgbertX = lerp(EgbertX, CentreEgbertX, 0.03);
EgbertY = lerp(EgbertY, CentreEgbertY, 0.03);
// the game character Egbert the fish is positioned at the X and Y coordinates
// this data is received by the serial and was initialised with xPos and yPos.
println(" x positie van egbert =", EgbertX);
if (EgbertX >= -569 && EgbertX <= 153) {
image(EgbertLeft, EgbertX, EgbertY);
} else if (EgbertX >= 153 && EgbertX <= 893) {
image(EgbertRight, EgbertX, EgbertY);
//image(Bottle, 100, 100);
//image(Corn, 300, 300);
//image(Bread, 400, 200);
// will get called every time data comes in
// storing the data string here
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (inString != null) {
// removing the whitespace
inString = trim(inString);
// Splitting the string at the commas and
// seperating the variables out into an array
data = int(split(inString, ","));
// mark new data is available
dataValid = true;
// println(inString);