Masking with vertex()

Hi there,
I’m struggling to mask an image with a shape drawn with beginShape(); vertex(); endShape();
Here’s the code (shorted to highlight the key issue):

  mskGraphics.image(ink, 100, 100, ink.width / 2, ink.height / 2);
  for (let a = 0; a <= TWO_PI; a += TWO_PI / res) {
    let noiseX = cos(a) * 15 + 1; //cosine angle x intensity + 1
    let noiseY = sin(a) * 15 + 1; //sine angle x intensity + 1
    let noiseVal = noise(noiseX, noiseY, t); //lookup value at this xy location in perlin noise field
    let attenuatedNoiseVal = map(noiseVal, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0); // map noiseVal to amplitude

    x = cos(a) * rad * attenuatedNoiseVal;
    y = sin(a) * rad * attenuatedNoiseVal;

    msk.vertex(x, y);

  (mskClone = mskGraphics.get()).mask(msk.get());

  image(mskClone, 0, 0);

What I want is to a) create a wiggly shape as a mask, and b) use this to mask out a texture.png. What actually happens is that the texture doesn’t appear at all. Weirdly if you comment out the two lines that should show what’s been drawn:

(mskClone = mskGraphics.get()).mask(msk.get());
image(mskClone, 0, 0);

…the sketch still renders a wiggly shape!

My project is here:

And I’m basing it on a project by slow_izzm I found here: p5.js Web Editor

Can anyone help please?!


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Hello @Gecko,

I took this out for a test run with Processing Java 4.1.1:


PGraphics pg;

PImage img;

void setup()
  size(300, 300);  
  float t = .1;  
  float rad = 130; 
  img = loadImage("");
  img.resize(width, height);
//mskGraphics.image(ink, 100, 100, ink.width / 2, ink.height / 2);
  pg = createGraphics(300, 300);
  pg.translate(150, 150);
  pg.stroke(255, 0, 0);
  for (float a = 0; a <= TWO_PI; a += TWO_PI / 100) 
    float noiseX = cos(a) * 15 + 1; //cosine angle x intensity + 1
    float noiseY = sin(a) * 15 + 1; //sine angle x intensity + 1
    float noiseVal = noise(noiseX, noiseY, t); //lookup value at this xy location in perlin noise field
    float attenuatedNoiseVal = map(noiseVal, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0); // map noiseVal to amplitude

    float x = cos(a) * rad * attenuatedNoiseVal;
    float y = sin(a) * rad * attenuatedNoiseVal;
    pg.vertex(x, y);
    //msk.vertex(x, y);

  //(mskClone = mskGraphics.get()).mask(msk.get());


void draw()
  image(img, 0, 0);


A few changes to your project based on my Processing Java example and it seemed to work:

Keep at it!


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Thanks so much! That’s worked perfectly :grin:
That noise circle works well with a dandelion too doesn’t it!

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