Making a trading card game

I’m trying to make a trading card game, but it keeps messing up. I got a table with an enemy to see if works then I created 2 creatures, one player, one enemy, so far they can walk towards each other & stop when they reach another unit, but when I try adding stats attack & life for now. It gives me an error.

this my main page

ArrayList<Unit> player = new ArrayList<Unit>();
ArrayList<Unit> enemy = new ArrayList<Unit>();
Control con = new Control();
Table Etable;
TableRow tRow;
int round = 0;
void setup(){
  player.add(new Unit(0,0));
  enemy.add(new Unit(1,0));
  Etable = new Table();
  tRow = Etable.addRow();

void draw(){
  text("Round: " + round, 0, 32);
  text("Con num: " + con.num, 0, 64);
  for (Unit p: player){;
  for (Unit e: enemy){;

void keyPressed(){
  if (key == ' '){
    if (round == 0){
      round = 1;
      for (Unit e: enemy){
        e.check = false; = 1;
      con.num = 0;
    }// round 0
    else if (round == 1){
      round = 0;
      for (Unit e: player){
        e.check = false; = 1;
      con.num = 0;
    }// round 0
  }// space
  if (key == 'a'){
    if (round == 0){player.add(new Unit(0,0));}
    if (round == 1){player.add(new Unit(1,0));}

this my controler, currently not being used

class Control{
  int timer;
  int num;
  void update(){
    if(timer > -1){timer -= 1;}
    if (timer <= 0){
      if (round == 0){
        if (num == player.size()){
          round = 1;
          num = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++){
            Unit e = enemy.get(i);
            e.num = 1;
            e.check = false;
          timer = 32;
      }// 0
      if (round == 1){
        if (num == enemy.size()){
          round = 0;
          num = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < player.size(); i++){
            Unit p = player.get(i);
            p.num = 1;
            p.check = false;
          timer = 32;
      }// 0
    }// timer

this my unit

class Unit{
  PVector pos,stat;
  int type;
  int num;
  int mov = 1;
  boolean check = false;
  Unit(int t, int num){
    stat = new PVector(0,0);
    type = t;
    this.num = num;
    if (t == 0){pos = new PVector(0,300);}
    if (t == 1){pos = new PVector(950,300);}
    tRow = Etable.getRow(0);
    stat.x = tRow.getInt("attack");
    stat.y = tRow.getInt("life");
  void show(){
    if (type == 0){fill(255,0,0);}
    if (type == 1){fill(0,255,0);}
    text("M: " + mov, pos.x+5, pos.y+16);
  void check(){
    if (type == 0){
      for (int i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++){
        Unit e = enemy.get(i);
        if (e.pos.x == pos.x + 50){mov = 0;}
      for (int i = 0; i < player.size(); i++){
        Unit e = player.get(i);
        if (e.pos.x == pos.x + 50){mov = 0;}
    }// type 0
    if (type == 1){
      for (int i = 0; i < player.size(); i++){
        Unit e = player.get(i);
        if (e.pos.x == pos.x - 50){mov = 0;}
      for (int i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++){
        Unit e = enemy.get(i);
        if (e.pos.x == pos.x - 50){mov = 0;}
    }// type 0
  void move(){
    if (mov > 0){
      if (type == 0 && round == 0){
        pos.x += 50;
        mov -= 1;
      if (type == 1 && round == 1){
        pos.x -= 50;
        mov -= 1;
    }// mov 0
    if (mov == 0 && check == false){
      con.num += 1;
      check = true;
  }// move