I’m trying to print a string with a line break in it, where this string is fetched from a csv file.
When running the code below, typing in the string with the line break myself, everything works as expected:
import processing.pdf.*;
PFont f;
void setup()
size(1000,1000, PDF, "Output.pdf");
f = createFont("Arial",16);
void draw()
Table table;
table = loadTable("Input.csv", "header");
for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i = i + 1)
text("First line.\nSecond line.", 100, 100); // I'm typing in the string myself here.
However, when running this other piece of code below, fetching the string with the line break from a csv file, the line break instructions, “\n”, is printed and no line break occurs:
import processing.pdf.*;
PFont f;
void setup()
size(1000,1000, PDF, "Output.pdf");
f = createFont("Arial",16);
void draw()
Table table;
table = loadTable("Input.csv", "header");
for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i = i + 1)
text(table.getString(i,"Column_1"), 100, 100); // I'm fetching the string from the csv file here.
This is what the csv file looks like:
"First line.\nSecond line."