I’m fairly new to coding, but for a project I’m working on, I’m trying to make a pair of eyes that will follow my mouse cursor.
I want the eyes to look at roughly where I point my cursor, while also staying inside the eye sockets. After some tinkering I got it to this stage, which is kind of like what I want it to be like. So far I’ve it so that the distance between the eyeballs don’t change, but the problem now is that I also want them to move in towards each other when the mouse goes between the eyes, and I have not a clue where to start. Maybe with vectors? Any suggestions are appreciated.
Apologies for bad coding.
var halfWidth
var halfHeight
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
halfWidth = width / 2;
halfHeight = height / 2;
function draw() {
background(0, 0, 50);
translate(halfWidth, halfHeight);
scale(1, -1);
function eyes() {
fill(0, 0, 100);
mEllipse(40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50);
//Corrected mouse position
var adjustedX = mouseX - width / 2;
var adjustedY = -(mouseY - height / 2);
var xOffset = 40;
var yOffset = 0;
var highlightOffset = 5;
var mapRadius = 12;
//Distance from center of eye sockets to mouse
var d = dist(0, 0, adjustedX, adjustedY);
//Mapping, restrict mouse to a square centered on the face (the square is turned into a circle down below)
//50px buffer border arond the canvas
var x1 = map(adjustedX, -halfWidth + 50, halfWidth - 50, -mapRadius, mapRadius, true);
var y1 = map(adjustedY, -halfHeight + 50, halfHeight - 50, -mapRadius, mapRadius, true);
//If distance from center to adjustedMouse is less than mapRadius, use mapped mouse coordinates,
//else, map to closest point on the restricted circle.
if (dist(0, 0, x1, y1) <= mapRadius) {
fill(1, 0, 30);
mEllipse(xOffset, 0, 0, x1, y1, 20);
fill(0, 0, 100);
mEllipse(xOffset, 0, highlightOffset, x1, y1, 7);
else {
fill(1, 0, 30);
mEllipse(xOffset, 0, 0, findPoint(-mapRadius, 0, adjustedX, d), findPoint(-mapRadius, 0, adjustedY, d), 20)
fill(0, 0, 100);
mEllipse(xOffset, 0, highlightOffset, findPoint(-mapRadius, 0, adjustedX, d), findPoint(-mapRadius, 0, adjustedY, d), 7)
//Draw mirrored ellipse pairs to save 1 line of code
function mEllipse(xOffset, yOffset, g, x, y, r1, r2) {
ellipse(x + xOffset + g, y + yOffset + g, r1, r2);
ellipse(x - xOffset + g, y - yOffset + g, r1, r2);
//Formula for closest point on circle:
//(r*(x0-x)/d, r*(y0-y)/d) --> Radius * (origin - point) / distance
function findPoint(radius, p0, p1, distance) {
return(radius * (p0 - p1) / distance);