Here is a sketch I recently converted from to py5 (also for me an exploration of NamedTuple) could easily be adapted with other LSystem rules.
import py5
from math import cos, pi, sin, sqrt, radians
from grammar2 import grammar2
from collections import namedtuple
""" by Martin Prout
LSystem rules from The Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem.... by MG Norman & P Moscato.
Features a scaling adjustment and turtle reversing, use trignometry rather than processing affine
transforms to calculate the line, uses a grammar module to create production string.
w = 600
h = 600
LSystem = namedtuple('MPeano', 'start, rules, turn_angle_deg')
mpeano = LSystem(
start = 'XFF2-AFF2-XFF2-AFF',
rules = dict(
F = '',
Y = 'FFY',
X = '+!X!FF-BQFI-!X!FF+',
A = 'BQFI',
B = 'AFF'
turn_angle_deg = 45
def settings():
py5.size(w, h)
def setup():
production = grammar2.generate(mpeano, 6)
py5.background(0, 0, 255)
py5.stroke(255, 255, 0)
def render(production):
Render evaluates the production string and calls draw_line
delta = radians(mpeano.turn_angle_deg)
distance = 15
turtle = {'x': w / 10, 'y': h / 10, 'angle': -delta}
repeat = 1
for val in production:
if val == "F":
turtle = draw_line(turtle, distance)
elif val == "+":
turtle['angle'] += delta * repeat
repeat = 1
elif val == "-":
turtle['angle']-= delta * repeat
repeat = 1
elif val == "I":
distance *= 1/sqrt(2)
elif val == "Q":
distance *= sqrt(2)
elif val == "!":
delta = -delta
elif (val == '2'):
repeat = 2
def draw_line(turtle, length):
Draw line utility uses processing 'line' function to draw lines
turtlecopy = turtle.copy()
turtlecopy['x'] = turtle['x'] + length * cos(turtle['angle'])
turtlecopy['y'] = turtle['y'] - length * sin(turtle['angle'])
py5.line(turtle['x'], turtle['y'], turtlecopy['x'], turtlecopy['y'])
return turtlecopy
def sketch_title(title):
Here is my grammar2 module:-
def generate(lsys, total_iterations):
lstring = lsys.start
rules = lsys.rules
for i in range(total_iterations):
str_buf = []
for symbol in lstring:
str_buf.append(rules.get(symbol, symbol))
lstring = ''.join(str_buf)
return lstring