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So when the code begins to run (play), I want an image to fill the screen. After a time delay, let’s say 5 seconds, I want to load a different scene as in
int sceneNum = 1
If sceneNum == 1 void scene1(){}
Welcome to the community! 
For tracking the time, you can check those functions in the Processing documentation :
This is a more complex example (but very modular if you want to add scenes) :
ScenePlayer scenePlayer;
void setup(){
size(500, 500);
// Initialize the scene player
// With 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds between each scenes)
scenePlayer = new ScenePlayer(5000);
// Add some scenes
scenePlayer.addScene(new BlackScene());
scenePlayer.addScene(new RedScene());
void draw(){
// The ScenePlayer class is holding all the scenes
class ScenePlayer{
int currentScene;
ArrayList<Scene> scenes;
boolean isPlaying = false;
int slideTime;
int currentTime;
ScenePlayer(int slideTime){
scenes = new ArrayList<Scene>();
this.slideTime = slideTime;
// Initialize the time
currentTime = millis();
// Add a new scene
void addScene(Scene scene){
void update(){
// If the delay has ended
if(millis() - currentTime > slideTime){
// Move to the next scene
// Reset the time
currentTime = millis();
// Dispay the curren scene
void draw(){
// Display the scene counter and the time
text("Scene n°" + currentScene, 50, 50);
int timeLeft = floor((slideTime - (millis() - currentTime)) / 1000) + 1;
text("Time left : " + timeLeft + " seconds", 250, 50);
// Move to the next scene
void nextScene(){
currentScene = (currentScene + 1) % scenes.size();
// The interface is representing a scene
// Each scene has it's own draw() method
interface Scene{
void draw();
// SCENES -------------------------------------
class BlackScene implements Scene{
void draw(){
// Black background
class RedScene implements Scene{
void draw(){
// Red background
background(255, 0, 0);
It’s using the following notions :
If you have any questions, let me know!