hello… I am a beginner in processing
may I know how can I let user enter date and time of their choice and then assign it to a variable in date and time format because 1 want to compare the input time with current time .
thank you so much.
hello… I am a beginner in processing
may I know how can I let user enter date and time of their choice and then assign it to a variable in date and time format because 1 want to compare the input time with current time .
thank you so much.
I would strongly suggest using the ControlP5 library to assist with this- once you get familiar with it, it’s easy to use. In the library things like text fields(which you would need for this), buttons, sliders, etc., are made readily available and is helpful for a wide variety of projects.
// for calendar
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.text.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
// the states of the program like start
// screen / pause screen / enter name screen
// we start by giving the states names.
// Those are consts.
final int stateReadName = 0; // consts
final int statePlayGame = 1;
// Then we assign one const to the current state.
int state = stateReadName; // current
String birthdayString = "";
void setup() {
size(720, 220);
void draw() {
if (state==stateReadName) {
text("Type your birthday and press enter (e.g. 30.07.1991) (Backspace to delete):", 20, 20);
fill(255, 255, 0);
text(birthdayString, 20, 50);
} else if (state==statePlayGame) {
fill((millis()+100)%255, (millis()+200)%255, millis()%255);
ellipse(width-18, height-18, 20, 20);
fill (255);
text (birthdayString
+ " is your bday. Klick mouse to re-start.", 10, 12);
void keyPressed() {
if (state==stateReadName) {
// what key was it? ---
if ( (key>='0'&&key<='9') || (key == '.' ) ) {
// allowed
if (birthdayString.length() < 10 ) {
birthdayString+=key; // add this key to our name
} // Letter
else if (key==ENTER||key==RETURN) {
// check input (more checks needed)
int errorCode = 0; // all ok
if (birthdayString.length()!=10)
errorCode = 1; // length is wrong
if (!isThisDateValid(birthdayString, "dd.MM.yyyy"))
errorCode = 2; // is wrong
switch(errorCode) {
case 0:
// go on to game
state = statePlayGame;
String myDay = birthdayString.substring(0, 2);
String myMonth = birthdayString.substring(3, 5);
String myYear = birthdayString.substring(6, 10);
println ("You birthday is "
+". \n" + myDay
+ "-" + myMonth
+ "--"
+ myYear);
makeAnAppointment(int(myYear), int(myMonth), int(myDay));
case 1:
println ("wrong length");
// birthdayString="";
case 2:
println ("not a date ");
// birthdayString="";
println ("Big mistake - unknown errorCode - 174");
} // switch
} // ENTER
else if (key==BACKSPACE) {
if (birthdayString.length()>0) {
birthdayString=birthdayString.substring(0, birthdayString.length()-1);
else {
println ("Unknow key "+ key);
} // else
// end of check for keys ---
} // if state
void makeAnAppointment(int year, int month, int day) {
println ( year + "//" + month + "//" + day ) ;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(year, month-1, day, 0, 0);
Date bornOn = cal.getTime();
Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal1.set(year(), month()-1, day(), hour(), minute());
Date todayIs = cal1.getTime();
println ( "1: "+ cal.compareTo (cal1) );
println ( "2: "+ todayIs.compareTo (bornOn) );
boolean isThisDateValid(String dateToValidate, String dateFromat) {
if (dateToValidate == null) {
return false;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFromat);
try {
//if not valid, it will throw ParseException
Date date = sdf.parse(dateToValidate);
catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
void mousePressed() {
// return to enter name
if (state==statePlayGame) {