Hi, guys.
I found this code, and i am changing it for studing.
Is there how i make the lens ellipse follow the mouse?
* Lens Demo Effect
* by luis2048.
* A picture is shown and it looks like a magnifying glass
* is drawn over the picture. One of the most famous demos
* that has a lens effect is 2nd reality by future crew.
* The trick is to precalculate the entire effect. Just make
* an array that for each pixel in the destination picture
* tells which pixel to take from the source picture. This
* array is called the transformation array. The tricky part
* is to calculate the transformation array to make the
* destination look like a lens is beeing held over the source
* picture. Based on lens formula by on Abe Racadabra.
int lensD = 556; // Lens diameter
int[] lensArray = new int[lensD*lensD]; // Height and width of lens
PGraphics lensEffect;
PImage lensImage;
PImage lensImage2;
int xx = 0;
int yy = 0;
int dx = 1;
int dy = 1;
void setup() {
size(640, 360, P2D);
// Create buffered image for lens effect
lensEffect = createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
// Load background image
lensEffect.image(loadImage("eufrk.jpg"), 0, 0, lensEffect.width, lensEffect.height);
// Create buffered image for image to warp
lensImage = createGraphics(lensD, lensD, P2D);
lensImage2 = createGraphics(lensD, lensD, P2D);
// Lens algorithm (transformation array)
int magFactor = 25; // Magnification factor
int m, a, b;
int r = lensD / 2;
float s = sqrt(r * r - magFactor * magFactor);
for (int y = -r; y < r; y ++) {
for (int x = -r; x < r; x ++) {
if(x * x + y * y >= s * s) {
a = x;
b = y;
} else {
float z = sqrt(r * r - x * x - y * y);
a = int(x * magFactor / z + 0.5);
b = int(y * magFactor / z + 0.5);
lensArray[(y + r) * lensD + (x + r)] = (b + r) * lensD + (a + r);
void draw() {
// Bounce lens around the screen
if((xx + dx + lensD > lensEffect.width) || (xx + dx < 0)) {
dx = -dx;
if((yy + dy + lensD > lensEffect.height) || (yy + dy < 0)) {
dy = -dy;
xx += dx;
yy += dy;
// save the backgrounlensD of lensHeight*lensWilensDth pixels rectangle at the coorlensDinates
// where the lens effect will be applielensD.
lensImage2.copy(lensEffect, xx, yy, lensD, lensD, 0, 0, lensD, lensD);
// output into a bufferelensD image for reuse
// For each pixel in the destination rectangle, apply the color
// from the appropriate pixel in the saved background. The lensArray
// array tells the offset into the saved background.
for (int i = 0; i < lensImage.pixels.length; i++) {
lensImage.pixels[i] = lensImage2.pixels[lensArray[i]];
// Restore the original picture
image(lensEffect, 0, 0, width, height);
// Overlay the lens square
image(lensImage, xx, yy, lensD, lensD);