import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
// Screen resolution vars;
float PPI, PPCM;
// Finger parameters
PImage fingerOcclusion;
// Arm/watch parameters
PImage arm;
// Abc parameters
PImage abc;
// Check parameters
PImage check;
// Study properties
String[] phrases; // contains all the phrases that can be tested
int NUM_REPEATS = 2; // the total number of phrases to be tested
int currTrialNum = 0; // the current trial number (indexes into phrases array above)
String currentPhrase = “”; // the current target phrase
String currentTyped = “”; // what the user has typed so far
char currentLetter = ‘a’;
// Performance variables
float startTime = 0; // time starts when the user clicks for the first time
float finishTime = 0; // records the time of when the final trial ends
float lastTime = 0; // the timestamp of when the last trial was completed
float lettersEnteredTotal = 0; // a running total of the number of letters the user has entered (need this for final WPM computation)
float lettersExpectedTotal = 0; // a running total of the number of letters expected (correct phrases)
float errorsTotal = 0; // a running total of the number of errors (when hitting next)
int dragX = width/2; // the position of the mouse when dragged
int dragY = height/2;
int lastX, lastY;
//Setup window and vars - runs once
void setup()
//size(900, 900);
textFont(createFont(“Arial”, 24)); // set the font to arial 24
noCursor(); // hides the cursor to emulate a watch environment
// Load images
arm = loadImage(“arm_watch.png”);
fingerOcclusion = loadImage(“finger.png”);
abc = loadImage(“abc.png”);
check = loadImage(“check.png”);
// Load phrases
phrases = loadStrings(“phrases.txt”); // load the phrase set into memory
Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(phrases), new Random()); // randomize the order of the phrases with no seed
// Scale targets and imagens to match screen resolution
SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0 / displayDensity(); // scale factor for high-density displays
String[] ppi_string = loadStrings(“ppi.txt”); // the text from the file is loaded into an array.
PPI = float(ppi_string[1]); // set PPI, we assume the ppi value is in the second line of the .txt
PPCM = PPI / 2.54 * SCALE_FACTOR; // do not change this!
FINGER_SIZE = (int)(11 * PPCM);
FINGER_OFFSET = (int)(0.8 * PPCM);
ARM_LENGTH = (int)(19 * PPCM);
ARM_HEIGHT = (int)(11.2 * PPCM);
ABC_SIZE = (int) (3.5 * PPCM);
CHECK_SIZE = (int) (1.5 * PPCM);
void draw()
// Check if we have reached the end of the study
if (finishTime != 0) return;
background(255); // clear background
// Draw arm and watch background
image(arm, width/2, height/2, ARM_LENGTH, ARM_HEIGHT);
// Check if we just started the application
if (startTime == 0 && !mousePressed)
text(“Tap to start time!”, width/2, height/2);
else if (startTime == 0 && mousePressed) nextTrial(); // show next sentence
// Check if we are in the middle of a trial
else if (startTime != 0)
text("Phrase " + (currTrialNum + 1) + " of " + NUM_REPEATS, width/2 - 4.0PPCM, height/2 - 8.1PPCM); // write the trial count
text("Target: " + currentPhrase, width/2 - 4.0PPCM, height/2 - 7.1PPCM); // draw the target string
text("Entered: " + currentTyped + “|”, width/2 - 4.0PPCM, height/2 - 6.1PPCM); // draw what the user has entered thus far
// Draw very basic ACCEPT button - do not change this!
fill(0, 250, 0);
rect(width/2 - 2*PPCM, height/2 - 5.1*PPCM, 4.0*PPCM, 2.0*PPCM);
text("ACCEPT >", width/2, height/2 - 4.1*PPCM);
// Draw screen areas
// THIS IS THE ONLY INTERACTIVE AREA (4cm x 4cm); do not change size
rect(width/2 - 2.0*PPCM, height/2 - 1.0*PPCM, 4.0*PPCM, 3.0*PPCM);
// Draw the letters in a circle
//image(abc, width/2, height/2, ABC_SIZE, ABC_SIZE);
// Rotate the letters
translate(width/2, height/2);
float rotAngle = atan2(dragY - height/2, dragX - width/2);
image(abc, 0, 0, ABC_SIZE, ABC_SIZE);
lastX = dragX;
lastY = dragY;
// Draw the area where you put the letter wanted
stroke(0, 255, 0);
rect(width/2 - 0.25*PPCM, height/2 - 1.8*PPCM, 0.5*PPCM, 0.5*PPCM);
// Draw the check
image(check, width/2, height/2, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE);
int points = 26;
float pointAngle = 360/points;
float radius = (3.5/2)*PPCM;
for(float angle = 0; angle < 360; angle = angle+pointAngle)
float x = cos(radians(angle))*radius;
float y = sin(radians(angle))*radius;
line(x+width/2, y+height/2, width/2, height/2);
circle(width/2, height/2, 3.5*PPCM);
// Draw the user finger to illustrate the issues with occlusion (the fat finger problem)
image(fingerOcclusion, mouseX - FINGER_OFFSET, mouseY - FINGER_OFFSET, FINGER_SIZE, FINGER_SIZE);
// Check if mouse click was within certain bounds
boolean didMouseClick(float x, float y, float w, float h)
return (mouseX > x && mouseX < x + w && mouseY > y && mouseY < y + h);
void mouseDragged()
if(didMouseClick(width/2 - 2.0PPCM, height/2 - 1.0PPCM, 4.0PPCM, 3.0PPCM)) // Test click on ‘keyboard’ area - do not change this condition!
dragX = mouseX;
dragY = mouseY;
else System.out.println(“debug: CLICK NOT ACCEPTED”);
void mousePressed()
if (didMouseClick(width/2 - 2PPCM, height/2 - 5.1PPCM, 4.0PPCM, 2.0PPCM)) nextTrial(); // Test click on ‘accept’ button - do not change this!
else if(didMouseClick(width/2 - 2.0PPCM, height/2 - 1.0PPCM, 4.0PPCM, 3.0PPCM)) // Test click on ‘keyboard’ area - do not change this condition!
//DELETE Test click on left arrow
//if (didMouseClick(width/2 - ARROW_SIZE, height/2, ARROW_SIZE, ARROW_SIZE))
// currentLetter--;
// if (currentLetter < '_') currentLetter = 'z'; // wrap around to z
// Test click on right arrow
//else if (didMouseClick(width/2, height/2, ARROW_SIZE, ARROW_SIZE))
// currentLetter++;
// if (currentLetter > 'z') currentLetter = '_'; // wrap back to space (aka underscore)
// Test click on keyboard area (to confirm selection)
// if (currentLetter == '_') currentTyped+=" "; // if underscore, consider that a space bar
// else if (currentLetter == '`' && currentTyped.length() > 0) // if `, treat that as a delete command
// currentTyped = currentTyped.substring(0, currentTyped.length() - 1);
// else if (currentLetter != '`') currentTyped += currentLetter; // if not any of the above cases, add the current letter to the typed string
else System.out.println(“debug: CLICK NOT ACCEPTED”);
void nextTrial()
if (currTrialNum >= NUM_REPEATS) return; // check to see if experiment is done
// Check if we’re in the middle of the tests
else if (startTime != 0 && finishTime == 0)
System.out.println("Phrase " + (currTrialNum+1) + " of " + NUM_REPEATS);
System.out.println("Target phrase: " + currentPhrase);
System.out.println("Phrase length: " + currentPhrase.length());
System.out.println("User typed: " + currentTyped);
System.out.println("User typed length: " + currentTyped.length());
System.out.println("Number of errors: " + computeLevenshteinDistance(currentTyped.trim(), currentPhrase.trim()));
System.out.println(“Time taken on this trial: " + (millis() - lastTime));
System.out.println(“Time taken since beginning: " + (millis() - startTime));
lettersExpectedTotal += currentPhrase.trim().length();
lettersEnteredTotal += currentTyped.trim().length();
errorsTotal += computeLevenshteinDistance(currentTyped.trim(), currentPhrase.trim());
// Check to see if experiment just finished
if (currTrialNum == NUM_REPEATS - 1)
finishTime = millis();
System.out.println(“Trials complete!”); //output
System.out.println("Total time taken: " + (finishTime - startTime));
System.out.println("Total letters entered: " + lettersEnteredTotal);
System.out.println("Total letters expected: " + lettersExpectedTotal);
System.out.println("Total errors entered: " + errorsTotal);
float wpm = (lettersEnteredTotal / 5.0f) / ((finishTime - startTime) / 60000f); // FYI - 60K is number of milliseconds in minute
float freebieErrors = lettersExpectedTotal * .05; // no penalty if errors are under 5% of chars
float penalty = max(errorsTotal - freebieErrors, 0) * .5f;
System.out.println("Raw WPM: " + wpm);
System.out.println("Freebie errors: " + freebieErrors);
System.out.println("Penalty: " + penalty);
System.out.println("WPM w/ penalty: " + (wpm - penalty)); // yes, minus, because higher WPM is better
printResults(wpm, freebieErrors, penalty);
currTrialNum++; // increment by one so this mesage only appears once when all trials are done
else if (startTime == 0) // first trial starting now
System.out.println(“Trials beginning! Starting timer…”);
startTime = millis(); // start the timer!
else currTrialNum++; // increment trial number
lastTime = millis(); // record the time of when this trial ended
currentTyped = “”; // clear what is currently typed preparing for next trial
currentPhrase = phrases[currTrialNum]; // load the next phrase!
// Print results at the end of the study
void printResults(float wpm, float freebieErrors, float penalty)
background(0); // clears screen
textFont(createFont(“Arial”, 16)); // sets the font to Arial size 16
fill(255); //set text fill color to white
text(day() + “/” + month() + “/” + year() + " " + hour() + “:” + minute() + “:” + second(), 100, 20); // display time on screen
text(“Finished!”, width / 2, height / 2);
text("Raw WPM: " + wpm, width / 2, height / 2 + 20);
text("Freebie errors: " + freebieErrors, width / 2, height / 2 + 40);
text("Penalty: " + penalty, width / 2, height / 2 + 60);
text("WPM with penalty: " + (wpm - penalty), width / 2, height / 2 + 80);
saveFrame(“results-######.png”); // saves screenshot in current folder
// This computes the error between two strings (i.e., original phrase and user input)
int computeLevenshteinDistance(String phrase1, String phrase2)
int[][] distance = new int[phrase1.length() + 1][phrase2.length() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= phrase1.length(); i++) distance[i][0] = i;
for (int j = 1; j <= phrase2.length(); j++) distance[0][j] = j;
for (int i = 1; i <= phrase1.length(); i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= phrase2.length(); j++)
distance[i][j] = min(min(distance[i - 1][j] + 1, distance[i][j - 1] + 1), distance[i - 1][j - 1] + ((phrase1.charAt(i - 1) == phrase2.charAt(j - 1)) ? 0 : 1));
return distance[phrase1.length()][phrase2.length()];