to stretch one point (corner) of a cube need to move 3 vertex,
for one side of a cube / 4 points / need to move 12 vertex
float z = 0;
float w = 10; // cube q size
PShape q,qa;
PVector p1,p2,p3,p4;
float pstretch = 3;
void setup() {
size(300, 300, P3D);
mycube(); // creates q size 10
qa = q; // copy 1
void stretch() {
p1 = qa.getVertex(0); // 0
p1 = p1.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(0,p1); // 0
qa.setVertex(13,p1); // also 13
qa.setVertex(19,p1); // also 19
p2 = qa.getVertex(1); // 1
p2 = p2.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(1,p2); // 1
qa.setVertex(4,p2); // also 4
qa.setVertex(18,p2); // also 18
p3 = qa.getVertex(2); // 2
p3 = p3.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(2,p3); // 2
qa.setVertex(7,p3); // also 7
qa.setVertex(22,p3); // also 22
p4 = qa.getVertex(3); // 3
p4 = p4.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(3,p4); // 3
qa.setVertex(14,p4); // also 14
qa.setVertex(23,p4); // also 23
void draw() {
background(200, 200, 0);
void viewpoint() {
translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
scale(2, 2, 2);
void helplines() {
line(0, 0, 0, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p4.x, p4.y, p4.z);
void mycube() { // creates CUBE named q
float w =10;
q = createShape();
q.vertex(-w, w, w); //0
q.vertex( w, w, w); //1
q.vertex( w, -w, w); //2
q.vertex(-w, -w, w); //3
q.vertex( w, w, w); //4
q.vertex( w, w, -w); //5
q.vertex( w, -w, -w);//6
q.vertex( w, -w, w); //7
q.vertex( w, w, -w); //8
q.vertex(-w, w, -w); //9
q.vertex(-w, -w, -w);//10
q.vertex( w, -w, -w);//11
q.vertex(-w, w, -w); //12
q.vertex(-w, w, w); //13
q.vertex(-w, -w, w); //14
q.vertex(-w, -w, -w);//15
q.vertex(-w, w, -w); //16
q.vertex( w, w, -w); //17
q.vertex( w, w, w); //18
q.vertex(-w, w, w); //19
q.vertex(-w, -w, -w);//20
q.vertex( w, -w, -w);//21
q.vertex( w, -w, w); //22
q.vertex(-w, -w, w); //23
- 2 cube ( and more general with position and side dimensions )
- mouse rotate zoom
- stretch one, fit second by key [+] [-]
– there is no translate/rotate/scale used inside ( between ) the two cubes
float zMag =1.0;
PVector qapos = new PVector(20,30,40); // center qa cube
float wx = 10,wy=15,wz=20; // cube q size
PVector qbpos = new PVector(20,30,40+wz); // center qb cube
PShape qa,qb;
PVector po1,p1,po2,p2,po3,p3,po4,p4;
float pstretch = 1.0;
void setup() {
size(500, 500, P3D);
qa = mycube(qapos,wx,wy,wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
qb = mycube(qbpos,wx,wy,wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
//stretchqb(); // fit qb to qa resized.
println("ues: mouseX mouseY for rotate and mouse wheel for zoom\n key[+] [-] for stretch");
void stretchqa(PVector off, float pstretch) {
po1 = qa.getVertex(0); // 0
p1 = po1.copy().sub(off);
p1 = p1.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(0,p1); // 0
qa.setVertex(13,p1); // also 13
qa.setVertex(19,p1); // also 19
po2 = qa.getVertex(1); // 1
p2 = po2.copy().sub(off);
p2 = p2.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(1,p2); // 1
qa.setVertex(4,p2); // also 4
qa.setVertex(18,p2); // also 18
po3 = qa.getVertex(2); // 2
p3 = po3.copy().sub(off);
p3 = p3.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(2,p3); // 2
qa.setVertex(7,p3); // also 7
qa.setVertex(22,p3); // also 22
po4 = qa.getVertex(3); // 3
p4 = po4.copy().sub(off);
p4 = p4.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(3,p4); // 3
qa.setVertex(14,p4); // also 14
qa.setVertex(23,p4); // also 23
void stretchqb() { // to fit to qa stretched side 0 1 2 3
void draw() {
background(200, 200, 0);
void viewpoint() {
translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
float angx = map(mouseY,0,width,-PI,PI);
float angy = map(mouseX,0,width,-PI,PI);
scale(2, 2, 2);
void helplines() {
line(0, 0, 0, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p4.x, p4.y, p4.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po1.x, po1.y, po1.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po2.x, po2.y, po2.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po3.x, po3.y, po3.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po4.x, po4.y, po4.z);
PShape mycube(PVector pos,float wx,float wy,float wz) { // returns a CUBE
float x = pos.x; // cube center point
float y = pos.y;
float z = pos.z;
wx = wx/2; // cube size from diameter to radius
wy = wy/2;
wz = wz/2;
PShape q = createShape();
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z+wz); //0
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z+wz); //1
q.vertex(x+wx,y+-wy,z+wz); //2
q.vertex(x-wx,y+-wy,z+wz); //3
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z+wz); //4 = 1
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z-wz); //5
q.vertex(x+wx,y-wy,z-wz); //6
q.vertex(x+wx,y-wy,z+wz); //7 = 2
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z-wz); //8 = 5
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z-wz); //9
q.vertex(x-wx,y-wy,z-wz); //10
q.vertex(x+wx,y-wy,z-wz); //11 = 6
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z-wz); //12 = 9
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z+wz); //13 = 0
q.vertex(x-wx,y-wy,z+wz); //14 = 3
q.vertex(x-wx,y-wy,z-wz); //15 = 10
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z-wz); //16 = 9
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z-wz); //17 = 5
q.vertex(x+wx,y+wy,z+wz); //18 = 1
q.vertex(x-wx,y+wy,z+wz); //19 = 0
q.vertex(x-wx,y+-wy,z-wz); //20 =10
q.vertex(x+wx,y+-wy,z-wz); //21 = 6
q.vertex(x+wx,y+-wy,z+wz); //22 = 2
q.vertex(x-wx,y+-wy,z+wz); //23 = 3
return q;
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
int e = event.getCount(); // windows +- 1
zMag += e*0.05;
void keyPressed() {
if ( key == '+' ) pstretch +=0.05;
if ( key == '-' ) pstretch -=0.05;
println("stretch "+nf(pstretch,0,2));
qa = mycube(qapos,wx,wy,wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
qb = mycube(qbpos,wx,wy,wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
stretchqb(); // fit qb to qa resized.
also now can rotate the second cube using Arrow Keys
float zMag =1.0;
float wx = 10, wy = 15, wz = 30; // cube size
PVector qapos = new PVector(20, 30, 50); // center qa cube
PVector qbpos = new PVector(20, 30, 50+wz); // center qb cube
PShape qa, qb;
PVector po1, p1, po2, p2, po3, p3, po4, p4;
float pstretch = 1.0;
PVector qbtouch=qbpos.copy(), qbposrot=qbpos.copy(), qbtrans=qbpos.copy();
float qbr=0, qbrotate = 0.0;
boolean help = true;
void setup() {
size(500, 500, P3D);
qa = mycube(qapos, wx, wy, wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
qb = mycube(qbpos, wx, wy, wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
stretchqa(qapos, pstretch);
//stretchqb(); // fit qb to qa resized.
println("ues: mouseX mouseY for rotate and mouse wheel for zoom\nkey[+] [-] for stretch qa side,\nkey Arrow Up Down for qb rotate angle, key Arrow LEFT RIGHT for qb rotate radius\nkey [h] toggle helplines");
void stretchqa(PVector off, float pstretch) {
po1 = qa.getVertex(0); // 0
p1 = po1.copy().sub(off);
p1 = p1.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(0, p1); // 0
qa.setVertex(13, p1); // also 13
qa.setVertex(19, p1); // also 19
po2 = qa.getVertex(1); // 1
p2 = po2.copy().sub(off);
p2 = p2.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(1, p2); // 1
qa.setVertex(4, p2); // also 4
qa.setVertex(18, p2); // also 18
po3 = qa.getVertex(2); // 2
p3 = po3.copy().sub(off);
p3 = p3.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(2, p3); // 2
qa.setVertex(7, p3); // also 7
qa.setVertex(22, p3); // also 22
po4 = qa.getVertex(3); // 3
p4 = po4.copy().sub(off);
p4 = p4.mult(pstretch);
qa.setVertex(3, p4); // 3
qa.setVertex(14, p4); // also 14
qa.setVertex(23, p4); // also 23
void stretchqb() { // to fit to qb side 5 6 9 10 to qa ( stretched ) side 0 1 2 3
qb.setVertex(5, p2);
qb.setVertex(8, p2);
qb.setVertex(17, p2);
qb.setVertex(6, p3);
qb.setVertex(11, p3);
qb.setVertex(21, p3);
qb.setVertex(9, p1);
qb.setVertex(12, p1);
qb.setVertex(16, p1);
qb.setVertex(10, p4);
qb.setVertex(15, p4);
qb.setVertex(20, p4);
void draw() {
background(200, 200, 0);
shape(qa, 0, 0);
shape(qb, 0, 0);
void viewpoint() {
translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
float angx = -map(mouseY, 0, width, -PI, PI);
float angy = map(mouseX, 0, width, -PI, PI);
scale(2, 2, 2);
void helplines() {
if ( help ) {
stroke(0, 0, 200);
line(0, 0, 0, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);
line(0, 0, 0, p4.x, p4.y, p4.z);
stroke(0, 200, 200);
line(0, 0, 0, po1.x, po1.y, po1.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po2.x, po2.y, po2.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po3.x, po3.y, po3.z);
line(0, 0, 0, po4.x, po4.y, po4.z);
stroke(200, 200, 200);
line(0, 0, 0, qbtouch.x, qbtouch.y, qbtouch.z);
line(0, 0, 0, qbposrot.x, qbposrot.y, qbposrot.z);
line(0, 0, 0, qbpos.x, qbpos.y, qbpos.z);
line(qbposrot.x, qbposrot.y, qbposrot.z, qbpos.x, qbpos.y, qbpos.z);
PShape mycube(PVector pos, float wx, float wy, float wz) { // returns a CUBE at pos: cube center point
wx = wx/2; // cube size from diameter to radius
wy = wy/2;
wz = wz/2;
PVector p0 = new PVector(pos.x-wx, pos.y+wy, pos.z+wz); // cube 8 corner calc as PVector
PVector p1 = new PVector(pos.x+wx, pos.y+wy, pos.z+wz);
PVector p2 = new PVector(pos.x+wx, pos.y+-wy, pos.z+wz);
PVector p3 = new PVector(pos.x-wx, pos.y+-wy, pos.z+wz);
PVector p5 = new PVector(pos.x+wx, pos.y+wy, pos.z-wz);
PVector p6 = new PVector(pos.x+wx, pos.y-wy, pos.z-wz);
PVector p9 = new PVector(pos.x-wx, pos.y+wy, pos.z-wz);
PVector p10 =new PVector(pos.x-wx, pos.y-wy, pos.z-wz);
PShape q = createShape();
q.stroke(200, 0, 0);
q.vertex(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z); //0
q.vertex(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); //1
q.vertex(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); //2
q.vertex(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); //3
q.vertex(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); //4 = 1
q.vertex(p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); //5
q.vertex(p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); //6
q.vertex(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); //7 = 2
q.vertex(p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); //8 = 5
q.vertex(p9.x, p9.y, p9.z); //9
q.vertex(p10.x, p10.y, p10.z);//10
q.vertex(p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); //11 = 6
q.vertex(p9.x, p9.y, p9.z); //12 = 9
q.vertex(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z); //13 = 0
q.vertex(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); //14 = 3
q.vertex(p10.x, p10.y, p10.z);//15 =10
q.vertex(p9.x, p9.y, p9.z); //16 = 9
q.vertex(p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); //17 = 5
q.vertex(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); //18 = 1
q.vertex(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z); //19 = 0
q.vertex(p10.x, p10.y, p10.z);//20 =10
q.vertex(p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); //21 = 6
q.vertex(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); //22 = 2
q.vertex(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); //23 = 3
return q;
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
int e = event.getCount(); // windows +- 1
zMag += e*0.05;
void keyPressed() {
if ( key == '+' ) pstretch += 0.05; // [+]
if ( key == '-' ) pstretch -= 0.05; // [-]
if ( keyCode == UP ) qbrotate += 0.08; // Arrow UP rotation angle
if ( keyCode == DOWN ) qbrotate -= 0.08; // Arrow DOWN
if ( keyCode == LEFT ) qbr -= 5; // Arrow LEFT rotation radius
if ( keyCode == RIGHT ) qbr += 5; // Arrow LEFT
if ( key == 'h' ) help = ! help;
//println("key: "+key+" keyCode: "+keyCode);
println("qa stretch "+nf(pstretch, 0, 2)+" qb rotate deg "+nf(degrees(qbrotate), 0, 1)+" radius "+qbr);
// rotation part
qbtouch = qbpos.copy().sub(0, 0, wz/2); // rotation center
qbtrans = qbpos.copy().sub(qbtouch);
qbtrans.set(qbtrans.x+qbr*sin(qbrotate), qbtrans.y+qbr*cos(qbrotate), qbtrans.z);
qbposrot = qbtouch.copy().add(qbtrans);
// creation part
qa = mycube(qapos, wx, wy, wz); // creates q at qpos with dx,dy,dz
qb = mycube(qbposrot, wx, wy, wz); // creates q at qpos ( with rotation ) with dx,dy,dz
stretchqa(qapos, pstretch);
stretchqb(); // fit qb to qa resized.
BUT not use translation & rotation for it.
what might be possible with using modelXYZ.