JavaScript w/ p5.js Editor: Figuring out how to modify my code for mouse over hover box and API display

p5.js Web Editor

I’m having difficulty figuring out how to modify my code so that when you hover over a point on the map, a box appears displaying the location’s name, in addition to displaying weather data from the weather API either in the same hover box or in the right-hand corner of the map.

Moreover, the current API URL displayed under:

let gaUrl =

needs to be

let gaUrl =
"(https://) bbox=-85.605165,30.357851,-80.839729,35.000659,10&appid=f7e1bf3a627a1b8861aa5c001a1a4f1a&units=imperial",

However, when I replace the API URL, I receive an error in the console indicating:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘temp’)

Can anyone assist?

// Store Temperature
let temperature;
// Store Weather
let weather = "";
let points;
let json;
let longitude;
let latitude;

let myMap;
let canvas;
const mappa = new Mappa("Leaflet");
let zoom = false;
let options = {
  lat: 32.8407, //canvas center
  lng: -82.6324,
  zoom: 7.4,
    "	https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",

function preload() {
  let api = "";
  let apiKey = "&appid=f7e1bf3a627a1b8861aa5c001a1a4f1a";
  let units = "&units=imperial";
  let gaUrl =
  // let gaUrl = ",30.357851,-80.839729,35.000659,10&appid=f7e1bf3a627a1b8861aa5c001a1a4f1a&units=imperial";
  json = loadJSON(gaUrl);
  data = loadJSON("/data/gaStations.json");

function setup() {
  canvas = createCanvas(800, 600);

  myMap = mappa.tileMap(options);

  fill(200, 100, 100);
  points = myMap.geoJSON(data, "Point");

  // Get Temperature (error when switching API url)
  temperature = json.main.temp_max;
  // Switch the API from weather data from New York to Georgia causes an error in the console displaying "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'temp')"
  // Reference: View parameters under @

  weather =[0].description;

function draw() {

  for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    pos = myMap.latLngToPixel(points[i][1], points[i][0]);
    rad = myMap.zoom() *1.2;
    if (pointCircle(mouseX,mouseY, pos.x, pos.y, rad)){
      // Needs to display the name of the location when hovering over
    circle(pos.x, pos.y, rad);

  // Needs to display weather data for Georgia in the bottom-right corner, or in the hoverbox below the name of the locations

  text("Location: Georgia", width / 2 + 195, height / 2 + 220, 190, 150);

    "Current Temperature: " + temperature + " °F",
    width / 2 + 195,
    height / 2 + 235,

  text("Forecast: " + weather, width / 2 + 195, height / 2 + 250, 190, 150);

function zoomIn(lat, lng) {
  options.zoom = 5; = lat;
  options.lng = lng;

function pointCircle(px, py, cx, cy, r) {
  // get distance between the point and circle's center
  // using the Pythagorean Theorem
  distX = px - cx;
  distY = py - cy;
  distance = sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY);

  // if the distance is less than the circle's
  // radius the point is inside!
  if (distance <= r) {
    return true;
  return false;

Crossposted: JavaScript w/ p5.js Editor: Figuring out how to modify my code for mouse over hover box and API display - Stack Overflow

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