Is it possible to overlay a p5 canvas over an entire page but still let interaction through?

I want to position a canvas over the entire page allowing me to draw anywhere. Is this possible and/or is this the best approach?

More details, please.

What does “over an entire page” mean? Do you mean you want to display your web browser tab in fullScreen? Or are you developing a p5.js sketch that is running somewhere other than a web browser? Is your goal for the sketch size to be adaptive to the size of different browsers / displays? Do you want it to change size if the browser window changes?


This question is very similar to what I am wondering.

If I am not mistaken @BSiemens is referrring to not having the p5.js Header bar visible, and interactions not working outside the p5 editor.

I am trying to do the same for my homepage, fullscreen without the p5.js header bar.

If I put my p5.js project on a webserver and look at the index.html file, my mousePressed and hover actions do not work

Here is my project, In the p5 editor all the objects have hover effects and are linked to other pages on the site, but not here:

Hope this is something simple. I just do not know enough about javascript yet.
