Is it possible to not have the generic windows close buttons and make your own close button?

So I’m talking about applications like discord, they don’t have that ugly windows border around their application, the league of legends client also doesn’t have it, Photoshop also has a custom one. So I know it’s possible but is it possible in processing? And if not, in what language would this be possible?


I’m not quite sure if that’s what you wanted, but you could do it by removing the frameborder.
In Processing 2, it was very easy to do so:


In Processing 3, the frame variable was replaced with the surface variable.
I don’t think that there is a way to remove the border using surface (I could be wrong), but you can still access the frame using processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT.
So you could do it like this:

import processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT;

void setup(){
  size(800, 600);
  PSurfaceAWT awtSurface = (PSurfaceAWT)surface;
  PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas smoothCanvas = (PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas)awtSurface.getNative();
  smoothCanvas.getFrame().setUndecorated(true);// Hide the window border
  smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(100, 100);// Move the window

void draw(){
  fill(200, 0, 0);
  rect(width - 50, 0, 50, 25, 5);

void mousePressed(){
  if(mouseX > width - 50 && mouseY < 50){
    exit();// If the mouse is touching the red rectangle, close the sketch

Note: You won’t be able to move the window if you do it like this (the only way is to use smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(100, 100);).


Thank you very much, do you also have an idea how to remove the little grey border it now makes on the right and bottom side?

With the above code you shouldn’t be getting a border at all. But this might depend on your operating system. Are you using a call to background() (and not just drawing a rect())? Can we see your code? Can you show us an image of the sketch?

The smallest window size you can get in Processing is 128 * 128, so if you call size() and make your window at least 128 * 128 pixels big, you shouldn’t see any grey border.

Added a bit of code, now you can drag it:

import processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT;
import java.awt.MouseInfo;
import java.awt.Point;

boolean isInFullscreen;
boolean dragging;
int dragX, dragY;
Button hide, full, close;
PSurfaceAWT awtSurface;
PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas smoothCanvas;

void setup(){
  size(800, 600);
  awtSurface = (PSurfaceAWT)surface;
  smoothCanvas = (PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas)awtSurface.getNative();
  smoothCanvas.getFrame().setUndecorated(true);// Hide the window border
  smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(100, 100);// Move the window
  // Menu Buttons
  hide = new Button(width - 115, -5, 40, 25, color(100), 5);
  full = new Button(width - 80, -5, 40, 25, color(150), 5);
  close = new Button(width - 45, -5, 50, 25, color(200, 0, 0), 5);

void draw(){
  // Draw Menu Bar
  rect(0, 0, width, 20);

void mousePressed(){
    smoothCanvas.getFrame().toBack();// Hide window
    isInFullscreen = !isInFullscreen;
      smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(0, 0);
      smoothCanvas.getFrame().setSize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
      smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(100, 100);
      smoothCanvas.getFrame().setSize(800, 600);
    exit();// Close window
  // Drag window
  if(mouseY < 20){
    dragging = true;
    dragX = mouseX;
    dragY = mouseY;

void mouseDragged(){
    // Get mouse position and move the window
    Point mouse = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
    smoothCanvas.getFrame().setLocation(mouse.x - dragX, mouse.y - dragY);

void mouseReleased(){
  dragging = false;

// Menu Button Class
class Button{
  int xpos, ypos;
  int sizeX, sizeY;
  color buttonColor;
  int borderRadius;
  Button(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, color c, int br){
    xpos = x;
    ypos = y;
    sizeX = sx;
    sizeY = sy;
    buttonColor = c;
    borderRadius = br;
  void display(){
    rect(xpos, ypos, sizeX, sizeY, borderRadius);
  boolean isMouseOver(){
    if(mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos + sizeX && mouseY > ypos && mouseY < sizeY){
      return true;
    return false;

“How to create your own OS with just 104 lines of code” :slight_smile:


You can also define in as fullScreen(); on setup and then do “surface.setSize(400, 400);” and “surface.setLocation((displayWidth/2)-(width/2), (displayHeight/2)-(height/2));”

The code:

void setup(){
  surface.setSize(400, 400);
  surface.setLocation((displayWidth/2)-(width/2), (displayHeight/2)-(height/2));

(Then you create your own close button)

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