Interstitial AdMob Ads

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to implement interstitial ads into my app. I have banner ads working properly, but when I tried to implement interstitial ads, my app crashes when trying to show the ad.

I used this tutorial from google:

If anyone has properly implemented interstitial ads, please kindly provide some code!


Does anyone have any input?

Yes. I too wanted to implement video and interstitial ads but no idea…how could we convert code at for implementing ads meant for android studio to processing for android…if we can do this…i think we could implement it.but i have no idea…did u crack it?

I didn’t look into the problem for long, as I switched to using Unity for my mobile projects. I would still love to use processing though! If you solve the problem please let me know :slight_smile:

I’ve looked into the Unity manual, and it’s quite impressive for rendering graphics.
But it is only game specific isn’t it?
Or is generic programming possible?

Unity is by definition a Game Engine, but that just means that it has many functionalities to ease the process of making Games.

You can still make pretty much everything else, as long as you know how to do it.

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