Intersecting objects in a processing game

I’m making a game, in which when the asteroid hits the spaceship the image should be portrayed on the screen. Below the whole code I pasted a loop, which is wrong and I have no idea how to fix it in order to make the intersection correct.

how can I make the intersection loop correctly?

Asteroids[] asteroids = new Asteroids[12]; 
Spaceship spaceship = new Spaceship();
int totalAsteroids = asteroids.length;
PImage img;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  spaceship = new Spaceship();
  for (int i = 0; i < totalAsteroids; i++) {
    asteroids[i] = new Asteroids();
   img = loadImage("youdied.jpg");{
 size(480, 270);

void draw() {

  for (int i = 0; i < totalAsteroids; i++ ) {
    if (asteroids[i].reachedBottom()) {
      asteroids[i] = new Asteroids();

class Asteroids {
  float x, y;   // Variables for location of raindrop
  float speed;
  color c;
  float r;      // Radius of raindrop

  Asteroids() {
    r = 15;     // All raindrops are the same size
    x = random(width);       // Start with a random x location
    y = -r*4;                // Start a little above the window
    speed = random(2, 6);    // Pick a random speed
    c = color(100); // Color
void display() {
    // Display the drop
    for (int i = 4; i < r; i++ ) {
      ellipse(x, y + i*2, i*2, i*2);
   if ((mouseX-15 <= asteroids.x && asteroids.x >= mouseX + 15)) { 
     if ((mouseY - 15 <= asteroids.x && asteroids.x >= mouseY + 15)){
       image(img, 0, 0);
       for (int f = 0; f< asteroids.x; f++){
      r = r+0.1;
  boolean reachedBottom() {
    // If we go a little beyond the bottom
    if (y > height + r*4) { 
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

    void move() {
    // Increment by speed
    y += speed;

class Spaceship {
float k; float l; float easing = 0.2;
 int b=100; int c=color(0, 255, 0);
Spaceship() {

//display the spaceship
void display() {
  ellipse(k, l, b/1.3, b/3);
  ellipse(k, l-b/6, b/4, b/4);
ellipse(k-b/5, l, b/10, b/10);
ellipse(k-b/5, l, b/10, b/10);
ellipse(k, l, b/10, b/10);
ellipse(k+b/5, l, b/10, b/10);

void move() {
   float targetX = mouseX;
  float dk = targetX - k;
  k += dk * easing;
  float targetY = mouseY;
  float dl = targetY - l;
  l += dl * easing;

this loop is the one where error occurs:

 if ((mouseX-15 <= asteroids.x && asteroids.x >= mouseX + 15)) { 
     if ((mouseY - 15 <= asteroids.x && asteroids.x >= mouseY + 15)){
       image(img, 0, 0);
       for (int f = 0; f< asteroids.x; f++){
      r = r+0.1;

Hi !

From a distance, seems like these if statements are wrong :

Specifically, asteroids.x >= mouseX+15 is the same as mouseX+15 <= asteroids.x, then your condition becomes :

if ((mouseX-15 <= asteroids.x && mouseX+15 <= asteroids.x))

which is equivalent to

if (mouseX+15 <= asteroids.x) because mouseX-15 <= mouseX+15

The correct code here should probably be :

if ((mouseX <= asteroids.x+15 && mouseX >= asteroids.x-15)) { 
     if ((mouseY <= asteroids.x+15 && mouseY  >= asteroids.x-15)){

Other than that, asteroids is a list, therefore asteroids.x doesn’t make sense. Also, since you are in the display function, the call to asteroids[f].display() really seems off.

I can’t check the rest of the code, though some other mistakes seem to be present…

For this specific section of code, perhaps something like this :

if ((mouseX <= this.x+15 && mouseX >= this.x-15)) { 
   if ((mouseY <= this.y+15 && mouseY  >= this.y-15)){
     image(img, 0, 0);

Let me know if this help/if you have another question :slight_smile: