Interesting(?) type coercion


Starting with

int framePer = floor(1000./frameRate),  bgTO = 1000;    //  <- this is not interesting

This is ok:

int dClr = floor(255*framePer/bgTO);                    //  <- expected

This fails with a ‘can’t float to int’

int dCl1 = 255*framePer/bgTO;                           //  <- expected

as does this:

int dCl2;  dClr2 = 255*framePer/bgTO;                   //  <- expected

as does this:

int dCl3 = 0;  dClr3 = 255*framePer/bgTO;               //  <- expected

this fails with a ‘may not be initailized’:

int dCl4;  dClr4 += 255*framePer/bgTO;                  //  <- expected

but this compiles just fine:

int dClr5 = 0;  dClr5 += 255*framePer/bgTO;             //  <- this is the interesting one

This is an example of a ???


int framePer = floor(1000/frameRate);
int bgTO = 1000;
int dClr5 = 0;
dClr5 += 255*framePer/bgTO; // <- this is the interesting one


Integer division is not type coercion. When you divide an integer by an integer, you get an integer.

If this seems strange conceptually, think about it in terms of non-divisible goods – so not apples, but pants. We have 12 pairs of pants, and 5 people. How many pairs of pants can each person have? 2. 12/5 = 2.

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Java’s compound assignment operators, like +=, /=, ^=, etc., got auto coercion.
While the single assignment operator = doesn’t auto coerce at all.

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Thanks @GoToLoop!

Know why that is? I would think strong typing would be more consistent.


But just to make sure it is clear, note that your example above is NOT type coercion. int * int returns int. int * int / int returns int. So int += int * int / int is the same as int = int * int / int – both run the same way, because both assign an int to an int.

int framePer = floor(1000./frameRate),  bgTO = 1000;
int dClr5 = 0;
dClr5 += 255*framePer/bgTO;
println(dClr5);  // 25
int dClr6 = 255*framePer/bgTO;
println(dClr6);  // 25

It is true that += would coorece the float to an int, but in your example there is no float to convert. This would be an actual example of that happening in practice:

int x = 0;
x += 1.5;
println(x);  // 1
x = 1.5;     // error!
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