I’m afraid you’ll get the same result in Java Mode for Processing. The SVG renderer won’t support certain SVG features – in this case, drawing all of the shapes with one <path>
element. You can open the SVG with a code editor to see what I mean.
You could modify the graphic using an editor like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator. In Inkscape, you select the graphic, then Path > Break Apart to create multiple paths. You’d have to touch up a few other things, too – use a Path > Difference to repair the P character, re-add the fill, etc.
Here’s the result for the modified SVG, which you can just paste over the existing markup –
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="250" height="114">
d="M 36.431641 25.957031 C 33.805641 25.957031 31.435125 26.257516 29.328125 26.853516 C 27.218125 27.451516 25.32725 28.209094 23.65625 29.121094 C 21.98425 30.038094 20.570969 31.072563 19.417969 32.226562 C 18.262969 33.380563 17.328281 34.515906 16.613281 35.628906 L 16.253906 35.628906 L 16.253906 27.630859 L 2.5253906 27.630859 L 2.5253906 113.58984 L 16.851562 113.58984 L 16.851562 77.294922 L 17.089844 77.294922 C 18.919844 80.162922 21.525156 82.429563 24.910156 84.101562 C 28.292156 85.771562 32.012266 86.607422 36.072266 86.607422 C 40.448266 86.607422 44.369031 85.791156 47.832031 84.160156 C 51.295031 82.532156 54.238969 80.341703 56.667969 77.595703 C 59.093969 74.849703 60.967297 71.626781 62.279297 67.925781 C 63.593297 64.224781 64.25 60.264875 64.25 56.046875 C 64.25 51.828875 63.573703 47.888562 62.220703 44.226562 C 60.866703 40.566562 58.956234 37.382781 56.490234 34.675781 C 54.022234 31.970781 51.076297 29.840156 47.654297 28.285156 C 44.231297 26.734156 40.491641 25.957031 36.431641 25.957031 z M 33.207031 37.658203 C 35.992031 37.658203 38.420234 38.195531 40.490234 39.269531 C 42.560234 40.345531 44.269047 41.759812 45.623047 43.507812 C 46.976047 45.259813 47.991922 47.229969 48.669922 49.417969 C 49.345922 51.606969 49.683594 53.815922 49.683594 56.044922 A 22.937 22.937 0 0 1 48.669922 62.730469 C 47.991922 64.959469 46.976047 66.949219 45.623047 68.699219 C 44.269047 70.451219 42.559234 71.883047 40.490234 72.998047 C 38.420234 74.113047 35.992031 74.669922 33.207031 74.669922 C 30.580031 74.669922 28.232063 74.134594 26.164062 73.058594 A 17.214 17.214 0 0 1 20.851562 68.822266 A 18.438 18.438 0 0 1 17.507812 62.910156 C 16.749813 60.723156 16.373047 58.514156 16.373047 56.285156 C 16.373047 54.058156 16.749813 51.828609 17.507812 49.599609 A 18.321 18.321 0 0 1 20.851562 43.628906 A 18.075 18.075 0 0 1 26.164062 39.330078 C 28.232062 38.215078 30.580031 37.658203 33.207031 37.658203 z "
style="fill:#ed225d" />
d="m 124.086,45.836 c -1.473,-3.301 -3.521,-6.088 -6.148,-8.357 -2.626,-2.268 -5.711,-4 -9.252,-5.193 -3.543,-1.193 -7.384,-1.791 -11.521,-1.791 -1.513,0 -3.204,0.082 -5.074,0.238 -1.871,0.162 -3.482,0.439 -4.835,0.838 l 0.835,-18.268 h 34.504 V 0.41 H 74.481 l -1.433,46.201 c 1.271,-0.635 2.725,-1.232 4.357,-1.791 a 66.991,66.991 0 0 1 5.014,-1.49 45.797,45.797 0 0 1 5.254,-1.016 38.588,38.588 0 0 1 5.074,-0.357 c 2.307,0 4.576,0.258 6.805,0.775 2.228,0.518 4.238,1.434 6.029,2.746 1.791,1.312 3.242,3.045 4.358,5.193 1.113,2.148 1.671,4.855 1.671,8.119 0,2.547 -0.418,4.836 -1.254,6.865 -0.835,2.027 -1.97,3.721 -3.401,5.072 a 14.723,14.723 0 0 1 -5.016,3.104 c -1.91,0.719 -3.939,1.076 -6.089,1.076 -3.819,0 -7.124,-1.016 -9.909,-3.045 -2.787,-2.029 -4.775,-4.715 -5.97,-8.059 l -0.159,0.059 -10.368,9.715 c 2.097,3.42 4.8,6.281 8.14,8.553 4.854,3.301 10.823,4.955 17.909,4.955 4.218,0 8.197,-0.678 11.938,-2.029 3.74,-1.352 7.004,-3.303 9.79,-5.852 2.785,-2.545 4.994,-5.67 6.627,-9.371 1.63,-3.701 2.446,-7.898 2.446,-12.596 0.001,-4.298 -0.735,-8.096 -2.208,-11.401 z"
style="fill:#ed225d" />
d="m 153.559,72.816 8.533,-2.576 1.676,5.156 -8.498,2.898 5.275,7.48 -4.447,3.226 -5.553,-7.348 -5.408,7.154 -4.319,-3.289 5.275,-7.223 -8.563,-3.09 1.677,-5.16 8.599,2.771 V 63.92 h 5.754 v 8.896 z"
style="fill:#ed225d" />
d="m 189.333,24.893 v 63.506 c 0,3.422 -0.279,6.666 -0.836,9.73 -0.559,3.064 -1.611,5.73 -3.164,8 -1.551,2.27 -3.662,4.078 -6.328,5.432 -2.668,1.354 -6.148,2.029 -10.447,2.029 a 27.3,27.3 0 0 1 -3.582,-0.238 c -1.193,-0.16 -2.148,-0.32 -2.865,-0.479 l 1.195,-12.178 c 0.637,0.16 1.312,0.279 2.029,0.359 0.717,0.078 1.352,0.119 1.91,0.119 1.67,0 3.023,-0.318 4.059,-0.955 a 6.402,6.402 0 0 0 2.389,-2.627 c 0.555,-1.115 0.914,-2.408 1.074,-3.881 0.158,-1.473 0.238,-3.043 0.238,-4.715 V 24.893 Z"
style="fill:#ed225d" />
d="m 238.163,42.912 c -1.275,-1.672 -3.025,-3.123 -5.254,-4.357 -2.229,-1.234 -4.656,-1.852 -7.283,-1.852 -2.309,0 -4.416,0.479 -6.326,1.434 -1.912,0.953 -2.865,2.547 -2.865,4.775 0,2.228 1.053,3.803 3.162,4.715 2.109,0.916 5.195,1.852 9.254,2.807 2.148,0.479 4.316,1.115 6.506,1.91 2.19,0.795 4.18,1.85 5.971,3.164 a 15.605,15.605 0 0 1 4.357,4.895 c 1.113,1.951 1.672,4.318 1.672,7.104 0,3.504 -0.658,6.469 -1.971,8.895 -1.312,2.428 -3.064,4.398 -5.254,5.91 -2.19,1.512 -4.736,2.607 -7.641,3.283 a 39.64,39.64 0 0 1 -9.014,1.014 c -4.459,0 -8.795,-0.816 -13.014,-2.447 -4.219,-1.629 -7.721,-3.959 -10.506,-6.982 l 9.432,-8.836 c 1.592,2.07 3.66,3.781 6.209,5.133 2.547,1.354 5.371,2.029 8.477,2.029 1.033,0 2.088,-0.117 3.164,-0.357 a 10.742,10.742 0 0 0 2.984,-1.133 6.202,6.202 0 0 0 2.209,-2.09 c 0.555,-0.877 0.834,-1.949 0.834,-3.225 0,-2.389 -1.094,-4.098 -3.281,-5.133 -2.191,-1.035 -5.475,-2.07 -9.85,-3.104 a 47.301,47.301 0 0 1 -6.27,-1.852 c -2.029,-0.756 -3.84,-1.75 -5.432,-2.984 a 13.778,13.778 0 0 1 -3.82,-4.598 c -0.955,-1.83 -1.434,-4.098 -1.434,-6.805 0,-3.184 0.656,-5.928 1.971,-8.236 a 16.936,16.936 0 0 1 5.193,-5.674 c 2.148,-1.471 4.576,-2.566 7.283,-3.281 a 32.486,32.486 0 0 1 8.357,-1.076 c 4.137,0 8.178,0.717 12.117,2.148 3.939,1.434 7.062,3.625 9.373,6.568 z"
style="fill:#ed225d" />
Note there’s a path for each character now. I’ve renamed the id
values so you can tell what each path is for.