I'm having trouble exporting my project to an apk

I just tried installing Android mode on Processing 4.1.1 on my Linux System76 box. I did this by using Tools/Manage Tools…/Modes tab. It automatically downloaded AndroidMode 4.5.1 and subsequently the requisite SDK without me doing anything. I then wrote a simple Android app in the Processing editor and ran it in Android mode. I attempted to run the demo on an old Nexus 4 phone. However, I received the same error message that I saw on my Mac and Windows boxes. The error message is shown here:https://github.com/processing/processing-android/issues/729#issuecomment-1578967148

I will next try to use the modified AndroidMode code at the link shown above to see if this will fix the problem.

If you are able to run code in the Android mode on your system I wouldn’t recommend using this fix. Keep what you have. It is unusual that you don’t see the AndroidMode folder in your Documents/Processing/modes folder, but it must be somewhere else on your system.

I don’t think you should have to plug your Android device back into the Linux box and re-run the source code every time you want to use it. Once you run the code a copy should automatically be on your phone and all that is required is a double click to activate it. You should be able to see every app on your device and every Processing demo that you have ever run.

If you know how to extract one of those .tgz files into a location of my choosing please tell me. I presume it’s similar to unzipping a zip file on Windows. On a Mac I don’t have to do any of that. There are Linux users in this forum that we can go to for help if we need to. I’m trying to get my system working so that I can try and reproduce your problem areas. The following link is to a more recent ‘apk’ discussion: https://discourse.processing.org/t/android-2-issues-1-is-it-possible-to-release-aab-2-apk-release-error/33295

There is also a way to get the icon of your choice which we can discuss later.

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