I need help please (process pictures from a folder)

Hello everybody! I am writing code that processes pictures into letters and I have a problem that the program does not consistently process pictures from a folder even though they are numbered (initially this is a video that was translated into png) tell me how to make it so that it processes them in order and it works finally the right video)

File dir;
File [] files;
int letters = 4;
int rows = 100;
float letterWidth = 256.0/letters;
int bounding = 4;

PImage img;
PShape[] textArray = new PShape[letters];
int frame = 0;

 void setup() {
 size(720, 1280);
 dir = new File(dataPath(""));
 files = dir.listFiles();
 println("Найдено файлов: " + files.length );

 for (int i =0; i<letters; i++) { 
 textArray[i] = loadShape("..//svg//s//"+nf(i+1, 2)+".svg");
void draw() {
 if (frame < files.length && files[frame].isFile()) {
 String path = files[frame].getAbsolutePath();
 img = loadImage(path);
 println(" Название кадра: " + frame );
 for (int y = height/rows/2; y < img.height; y=y+height/rows ) {
 int x1=0, x2=0;
 int lNum=-1, lNumPre = -1;
 for (int x = 0; x < img.width; x++) {
 int loc = x + y*img.width;
 float r;
 r = red(img.pixels[loc]);
 if (r>2) {
 lNum = floor(r/letterWidth);
 } else {
 lNum = -1;

 if (lNum != lNumPre ) {
 printLetter( x1, x2, y, lNumPre);
 lNumPre = lNum;
 } else {
 if (x == width-1) {
 printLetter( x1, x2, y, lNumPre);
 } else {

void printLetter(int x1, int x2, int y, int lNum) { 
 if (abs(x2-x1)>bounding*2) {
 lNum = constrain(lNum,0,letters-1);
 fill(lNum*letterWidth, 128, 128);
 shape(textArray[lNum], x1+bounding, y-height/rows/2+bounding, abs(x2-x1)-bounding, height/rows-bounding);

Not providing an answer but I would like to ask you to post code (in future) using code tags.

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It makes it easier to read, easier to copy and it tells the forum software not to treat e.g. [] as .


@Chrisir, you missed the at the end of the last line :rofl:

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Hello @Yanina,

The code was formatted for you by a member of our community.

For future reference:

There may be something in here to help you:


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