I Made an ES6 Typescript and Parcel template for others to fork

Hi all, recently I’ve gotten into p5js and have been really enjoying it. Thing is, I don’t come from a web development background. I’m used to languages like C# and Go with all of the built in intellisense, tooling, and package managers. Moving from this to JavaScript was painful.

However, Typescript offers a solution to this problem. It adds type safety, built in documentation, and better auto complete / intellisense. I don’t think its an understatement to say my productivity has improved by at least a factor of 3 since using it.

Getting P5 up and running in a TypeScript environment that supports es6 imports for use with npm was a surprisingly difficult undertaking for me. So I figured I could share what I’ve come up with as a resource for anyone else looking to do the same.


Also if anyone has any feedback on the template I’d be happy to hear it. I’m not really a web developer so its possible I’ve made some sub-optimal decisions.


Thank you for sharing the repository! While experienced users may find it straightforward, novice programmers may find it a bit challenging.

I think, one downside of npm is that it requires a lot of disk space, which can be unsustainable. Even though all the magic happens in just 1-3kb of js file, npm makes it huge like 300-400 Mb.

Perhaps, you can create a tutorial that shows how to install dependencies globally to the system, which will help to deal with unnecessary disk space as an option. Personally, I prefer using global packages as they make things easier to create new projects and reduce the amount of disk space required.

I like the following feature. It would be good to point users to a tutorial on how to publish Github pages.

…start a github pages site pointing to the dist folder.

This is also handy niche feature;

If you want this repo to be a nested page in a website npm start_nested will use relative paths for all assets.

You might want to look into package managers such as pnpm


If we already have Node.js installed, we can globally install pnpm using a terminal typing in this:
npm -g i pnpm

In Windows, the pnpm package will be installed at: %AppData%\npm\node_modules\pnpm\

And its entry point will be this file: %AppData%\npm\npm.cmd

Alternatively we can install pnpm as a standalone app:

Which I believe it’ll be installed in this path: %UserProfile%\.pnpm\

BtW, here’s a video explaining how pnpm is much better than npm for installing local packages:


@micuat, @GoToLoop, I had problems before using pnpm in a project that also includes parcel. I’ll check again to see if the conflicts have been resolved.

Node.JS package manager pnpm’s page also mentions an installation option via corepack:

I did an experiment by also installing pnpm globally by typing this in a terminal:
corepack install -g pnpm

Installation path: %LocalAppData%\node\corepack\v1\pnpm\
Entry point: %ProgramFiles%\nodejs\node_modules\corepack\shims\pnpm.cmd


While a bit annoying I’ve never personally found the node_modules size to be much of an issue. Storage is cheap and the benefits of a package manager far outweigh the cost, at least to me. But like other’s have pointed out, pnpm should be a drop in replacement that more intelligently handles storage. Though I’ve never personally tried it.

Each single challenge folder from this repo installs relatively big-sized “node_modules” folders:

Each 1 of those “node_modules” folders contain 1977 subfolders w/ 17820 files inside!

Total size for each “node_modules” is 47.5 MB, but occupies 65.5 MB of disk.

So far I’ve got 75 Exercism.org challenges done, which is 65.5 MB x 25 = 1637 MB of disk!

It doesn’t seem that much, but still, b/c pnpm uses hardlinks & junctions, no matter how many new challenge folders I add, each 1 is gonna re-use those same 17820 files rather than re-creating them!

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