I am trying to make 3d platform game

i have a project in Processing. i am trying to create basic platform game but i could not do it. Can someone help? In this code, I am trying to create a player and this player should go left and right and can jump with space. The blocks I call “stages” should move up and down along the y-axis. The player object I created should also jump on these blocks. If the player touches Lava, the game should stop and “You Failed” should be displayed on the screen. If he successfully passes all 5 blocks and touches the last platform, “Congratulations, You Win!!” should write. Thank you for your help in advance.

PImage imgLava,imgGrass, imgStone, imgP1;

boolean isJumping = false;
void setup()
  camZ = (height/2) / tan((PI*60.0)/360.0);
  imgLava = loadImage("lava.jpeg");
  imgGrass = loadImage("grass.jpg");
 imgStone= loadImage("stone.png");
 imgP1= loadImage("p1.png");
float camZ = 0;
void draw()
  /*camera(width/2, height/2, camZ, //camx, camy, camz
  width/2, height/2, 0, //lookx, looky, lookz
  0, 1, 0 //eyex, eyey, eyez
  camera(0, 0, camZ, 
  0, 0, 0, 
  0, 1, 0);
  rotateX(rotX + distY);
  rotateY(rotY + distX);
    if(keyCode == UP)
      camZ -= 5;
    if(keyCode == DOWN)
      camZ += 5;

void drawLava()
  int w = 1;
  int h = 1;
  vertex(-5, 1.0000, -54, 0, 0);
  vertex(5, 1.0000, -54, w, 0);
  vertex(5, 1.0000, 0, w, h);
  vertex(-5, 1.0000, 0, 0, h);

void drawPlatform()
int w = 1;
  int h = 1;
  vertex(-2, 0.999, 0, 0, 0);
  vertex(2, 0.999, 0, w, 0);
  vertex(2, 0.999, -5, w, h);
  vertex(-2, 0.999, -5, 0, h);

int w=1,h=1;
 void drawStage()

  //+Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -10, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -10, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -10, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -10, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //-Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -15, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -15, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -15, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -15, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //+X face
  vertex(1, -1, -10, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -15, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -15, w, h);
  vertex(1, 1, -10, 0, h);
  //-X face
  vertex(-1, -1, -10, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(-1, -1, -15, w, 0);
  vertex(-1, 1, -15, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -10, 0, h);
  //-Y face
  vertex(-1, -1, -10, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -10, w, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -15, w, h);
  vertex(-1, -1, -15, 0, h);
  //+Y face
  vertex(-1, 1, -10, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -10, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -15, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -15, 0, h);
  //+Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -20, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -20 ,w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -20, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -20, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //-Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -25, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -25, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -25, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -25, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //+X face
  vertex(1, -1, -20, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -25, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -25, w, h);
  vertex(1, 1, -20, 0, h);
  //-X face
  vertex(-1, -1, -20, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(-1, -1, -25, w, 0);
  vertex(-1, 1, -25, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -20, 0, h);
  //-Y face
  vertex(-1, -1, -20, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -20, w, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -25, w, h);
  vertex(-1, -1, -25, 0, h);
  //+Y face
  vertex(-1, 1, -20, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -20, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -25, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -25, 0, h);
  //+Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -30, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -30 ,w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -30, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -30, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //-Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -35, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -35, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -35, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -35, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //+X face
  vertex(1, -1, -30, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -35, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -35, w, h);
  vertex(1, 1, -30, 0, h);
  //-X face
  vertex(-1, -1, -30, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(-1, -1, -35, w, 0);
  vertex(-1, 1, -35, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -30, 0, h);
  //-Y face
  vertex(-1, -1, -30, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -30, w, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -35, w, h);
  vertex(-1, -1, -35, 0, h);
  //+Y face
  vertex(-1, 1, -30, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -30, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -35, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -35, 0, h);
  //+Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -40, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -40 ,w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -40, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -40, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //-Z face
  vertex(-1, -1, -45, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -45, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(1, 1, -45, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-1, 1, -45, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //+X face
  vertex(1, -1, -40, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(1, -1, -45, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -45, w, h);
  vertex(1, 1, -40, 0, h);
  //-X face
  vertex(-1, -1, -40, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(-1, -1, -45, w, 0);
  vertex(-1, 1, -45, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -40, 0, h);
  //-Y face
  vertex(-1, -1, -40, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -40, w, 0);
  vertex(1, -1, -45, w, h);
  vertex(-1, -1, -45, 0, h);
  //+Y face
  vertex(-1, 1, -40, 0, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -40, w, 0);
  vertex(1, 1, -45, w, h);
  vertex(-1, 1, -45, 0, h);
void drawEndPlatform()
int w = 1;
  int h = 1;
  vertex(-2, 0.999, -49, 0, 0);
  vertex(2, 0.999, -49, w, 0);
  vertex(2, 0.999, -54, w, h);
  vertex(-2, 0.999, -54, 0, h);

void drawPlayer()
  //+Z face
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //-Z face
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1.5, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1.5, w, 0); //upper right corner
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1.5, w, h); //bottom right corner
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1.5, 0, h); //bottom left corner
  //+X face
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1.0, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1.5, w, 0);
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1.5, w, h);
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1.0, 0, h);
  //-X face
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1.0, 0, 0); //upper left corner
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1.5, w, 0);
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1.5, w, h);
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1.0, 0, h);
  //-Y face
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1.0, 0, 0);
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1.0, w, 0);
  vertex(0.25, 0.75, -1.5, w, h);
  vertex(-0.25, 0.75, -1.5, 0, h);
  //+Y face
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1.0, 0, 0);
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1.0, w, 0);
  vertex(0.25, 0.998, -1.5, w, h);
  vertex(-0.25, 0.998, -1.5, 0, h);

float rotX = 0, rotY = 0;
float lastX, lastY;
float distX, distY;
void mousePressed()
  lastX = mouseX;
  lastY = mouseY;
void mouseDragged()
  distX = radians(mouseX - lastX);
 distY = radians(lastY - mouseY);
 void mouseReleased()
  rotX += distY;
  rotY += distX;
  distX = distY = 0;
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Hello @marslanaras,

We appreciate your involvement in the Processing community. However, it has come to our attention that the same homework question you posted here has been found on Reddit, StackOverflow, and Chegg as well.

Our forum is intended to be a place for mutual learning and problem-solving, not for bypassing educational responsibilities. Remember, homework is meant to improve your skills and understanding, and seeking complete solutions across various platforms can impede this learning process.

We strongly urge all members, including you, to respect the nature of academic work and use our forum for guidance and understanding, rather than as a means to avoid work.

Due to this incident, your topic will be locked. We encourage you to return with questions aiming for understanding and problem-solving rather than seeking complete solutions. Before you do, please consult our guidelines for asking questions.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Raphaël de Courville
Processing Community Lead

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