How to scale text and distance proportionally to avoid overlap?

Hi! I want to be able to scale text size and spacing/leading proportionally to avoid overlaps of text. I’d like to be able to scale the text from it’s current size in 5 columns to a bigger text size in for example 3 columns. Is there a clever way to do this?

Much appreciated

PFont font1;
String [] words = {"vinterjazz", "01-24 feb. 2019", ""};

void setup() {
  size (700, 1000);
  font1 = loadFont ("Akkurat-Bold-18.vlw");

void draw() {

  background (0);
  textFont(font1, 16);
  for (int y = 20; y < height; y = y + 20) {
    for (int x = 10; x < width; x = x + 140) {
      text(words [int(random(words.length))], x, y );

Glad that you were able to resolve this! There are many approaches that work – would you be willing to share your solution?