void setup() {
size(1020, 510);
void draw() {
int spacing_x = 45;
int spacing_y = 45;
for (int x = 0; x < width + spacing_x; x = x + spacing_x) {
for (int y = 0; y < height + spacing_y; y = y + spacing_y) {
int distance_mouse_ellipse = dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
int r = dist(0, y, x, y) /4;
int g = dist (x, 0, x, y) /2;
int b = r+b/3;
fill(r, g, b);
rect(x, y, distance_mouse_ellipse / 25, distance_mouse_ellipse / 25);
map(distance_mouse_ellipse, 0, width,
50,0) for the size of the rect
I tried but it doesn’t work?
Show me your code
You can play with the values a bit
use float instead of int
boolean backgroundd = true;
void setup() {
size(1020, 510);
void draw() {
float size = map(distance_mouse_ellipse, 0, width,50,0);
int spacing_x = 45;
int spacing_y = 45;
for (int x = 0; x < width + spacing_x; x = x + spacing_x) {
for (int y = 0; y < height + spacing_y; y = y + spacing_y) {
int distance_mouse_ellipse = dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
int r = dist(0, y, x, y) /4;
int g = dist (x, 0, x, y) /2;
int b = r+b/3;
fill(r, g, b);
rect(x, y, size, size);
I also tried directly inserting it on the rect’s height and width value but it didn’t work.
This line must be directly before rect ()
NOT before the for loop
ohhh now it works thank you so much. But can you explain what the map function does? I searched or it but didn’t completely understand.
It maps (translates) a value (your distance)
from one scale to the next scale.
For example when it’s 40% on the first scale it will be 40% on the other too, but calculating
the value on the scale.
In your case, 50 to 0 is the new range which means its
getting bigger when nearer
I kind of understand the last 2 values but I don’t understand the first 3 values in the map function
Some references:
Source code:
https://github.com/processing/processing/blob/master/core/src/processing/core/PApplet.java#L5047 Make take the browser a moment to get to the line!
From source:
static public final float map(float value,
float start1, float stop1,
float start2, float stop2) {
float outgoing =
start2 + (stop2 - start2) * ((value - start1) / (stop1 - start1));
This resembles one of these:
Ohh thank you I think I understand it now, I will try to experiment a little with it
A simple example:
// Celcius to Fahrenheit
float F;
for (float C = 0; C<=100; C+=10)
F = map(C, 0, 100, 32, 212);
println (C, F);
Try to do it for F to C!
Filler filler
Also see this for OpenProcessing users:
And another tidbit about using float and int:
Also remember that you can
use ctrl-t in processing to
auto format your code