How to make more images appear over time?

hey right now there is only one “trash” image but i’m trying to make it so the amount of “trash” images is equal to score+1

here’s my code:

float trashX;
float trashY;

float boatX;
float boatY;

float ropelenght = 0;

float movingspeed = 10;

float time;

int score = 0;

PImage[] trash = new PImage[18];

PImage[] boat = new PImage[3];

int right = 1;
int left = 2;

int bag = 1;
int beer = 2;
int box = 3;
int coffee = 4;
int deodorant = 5;
int energy = 6;
int jar = 7;
int laundrydetergent = 8;
int milk = 9;
int milkshake = 10;
int paper = 11;
int pizza = 12;
int soda = 14;
int tin = 15;
int tuna = 16;
int waterbottle = 17;

int boati = 1;

int trashi = int(random(0, 18));

boolean rope = false;

void setup() {

	trashX = random(0, width);
	trashY = ((height / 2) / 2) * 3;

	boatX = width / 2;
	boatY = (height / 2) / 2;

	trash[bag] = loadImage("bag.png");
	trash[beer] = loadImage("beer.png");
	trash[box] = loadImage("box.png");
	trash[coffee] = loadImage("coffee.png");
	trash[deodorant] = loadImage("deodorant.png");
	trash[energy] = loadImage("energy.png");
	trash[jar] = loadImage("jar.png");
	trash[laundrydetergent] = loadImage("laundry detergent.png");
	trash[milk] = loadImage("milk.png");
	trash[milkshake] = loadImage("milkshake.png");
	trash[paper] = loadImage("paper.png");
	trash[pizza] = loadImage("pizza.png");
	trash[soda] = loadImage("soda.png");
	trash[tin] = loadImage("tin.png");
	trash[tuna] = loadImage("tuna.png");
	trash[waterbottle] = loadImage("water bottle.png");

	boat[right] = loadImage("boatright.png");
	boat[left] = loadImage("boatleft.png");

void draw() {
	trashX= trashX - random(random(-3, -0.1), random(0.1, 3)); trashY = trashY - 1;

				image(trash[trashi], trashX, trashY, 20, 20);

				image(boat[boati], boatX, boatY, 50, 20);

				textSize(32); fill(0); // Fill color black
				text("score:" + score, 40, 80);

				if (rope == true) {
					time = millis();
					if (boati == right) {
					line(boatX + 10, boatY + 15, boatX + 10 + ropelenght, boatY + 15);
					ropelenght = ropelenght + 10;
							if (trashX < boatX + 10 + ropelenght && trashY <= boatY + 15 && trashY + 20 >= boatY + 15) {
								trashX = random(0, width);
								trashY = ((height / 2) / 2) * 3;
								ropelenght = 0;
								time = 0;
								trashi = int(random(0, 18));
								rope = false;

						if (boati == left) {
							time = millis();
					line(boatX, boatY + 15, boatX - ropelenght, boatY + 15);
					ropelenght = ropelenght + 10;
								if (trashX > boatX - ropelenght && trashY <= boatY + 15 && trashY >= boatY + 15) {
									trashX = random(0, width);
									trashY = ((height / 2) / 2) * 3;
									ropelenght = 0;
									time = 0;
									trashi = int(random(0, 18));
									rope = false;
						if (boatX - ropelenght <= 0 || boatX + 10 + ropelenght >= width) {
							ropelenght = 0;
							rope = false;


						if (trashY <= 0) {
							trashX = random(0, width);
							trashY = ((height / 2) / 2) * 3;
							ropelenght = 0;
							time = 0;
							trashi = int(random(0, 18));
							rope = false;



					void keyPressed() {
						if (key == 'a') {
							boati = left;
						if (key == 'd') {
							boati = right;
						if (key == ' ') {
							rope = true;

Remember that an array starts with 0

In theory when you have a for loop with for…… i < upperBound you can increase this variable every 500
milliseconds or so

In this for loop show the images from the array and use i for it

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