How to make bullet shoot only when the previous bullet is off the screen

Hi everyone, Iā€™m having trouble with shooting another bullet only when the previous bullet fired is off the screen. This is my current code.

int x = 30;
int y = 60;
float gunX = x+20;
float gunY = y+20;
float circleY;
float circleX;
boolean bulletFlies=false;
float bulletX = 20;
float bulletY = 20;

void setup() {
size(500, 500);
circleY = random(25,480);
circleX = 450;

void draw() {
fill(255, 56, 99);
ellipse(x, y, 60, 60);
gunX = x+12;
gunY = y;

circle(circleX,circleY, 80);


void keyPressed() {
if (key == ā€˜sā€™) y = y + 8;
else if (key == ā€˜wā€™) y = y - 8;
else if (key == ā€™ ') {
bulletX = gunX+14;
bulletY = gunY+4;

void bullet() {
if (bulletFlies) {
ellipse(bulletX, bulletY, 6, 6);
bulletX = bulletX+5;
if (bulletX>width+12) {
}else if (key == ā€™ ā€™ && !bulletFlies){

this would be enough:

just check if the bulletFlies and if so, leave

  else if (key == ' ') {
    if (bulletFlies)
      return; // leave
    bulletX = gunX+14;
    bulletY = gunY+4;

okay thank you, I will try this

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