How to make a switch in a circuit?


I have this "circuit!

void setup() {
size(600, 600);

void draw() {
ellipse (300, 150, 40, 40);
line (280, 150, 120, 150);
line (120, 150, 120, 220);
line (120, 220, 120, 290); //closed circuit
line (120, 290, 120, 380);
line (80, 220, 120, 270); // open circuit
line (320, 150, 500, 150);
line (500, 150, 500, 250);
line (500, 250, 500, 380);
line (500, 380, 350, 380);
rect (250, 350, 100, 50);
line (250, 380, 120, 380);
ellipse (500, 250, 40, 40);
line (270, 320, 325, 425);

I need to know hot change the switch from open to close and viceversa using space key. How I can hide closed line by the open one and the opposite.

Thanks so much


You can add a boolean variable to keep track of the state of your circuit.

Don’t forget to clear the screen before drawing it with background().

boolean isOpen;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
  isOpen = true;

void draw() {
  background(200); // CLear the screen
  ellipse (300, 150, 40, 40);
  line (280, 150, 120, 150);
  line (120, 150, 120, 220);
  if (!isOpen) {
    line (120, 220, 120, 290); //closed circuit
  line (120, 290, 120, 380);
  if (isOpen) {
    line (80, 220, 120, 270); // open circuit
  line (320, 150, 500, 150);
  line (500, 150, 500, 250);
  line (500, 250, 500, 380);
  line (500, 380, 350, 380);
  rect (250, 350, 100, 50);
  line (250, 380, 120, 380);
  ellipse (500, 250, 40, 40);
  line (270, 320, 325, 425);

void mouseClicked() {
  isOpen = !isOpen;

It is currently the mouse click that will open or close the circuit. It will be your homework to make it with the space bar.

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Thanks so much for the example

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I’m an absoliute begginer and I have some difficulties, the goal of this class is when the circuit closes, bulb

ellipse (500, 250, 40, 40);

Should “light on”, ie. it will filled with white, and when circuit opens bulb turns back black. I tried with fill but has been impossible.

Many thanks

I have this sketch, maybe could be useful

void setup() {
Vpila = 10.0; // Battery voltage in volts
Rl = 100.0; // Bulb resistance in Ohms
Rv=500.0; // Initial variable resistance in Ohms
DR=5.; // Incremental step of variable resistance in ohms
color_alpha= 0; // Initial transparency in zero

start = false; // Closed switch
// In draw() animations are implemented
void draw() {
if (start) { // Close switch.
I = Vpila/Req; // Intensity in the circuit, Ohm’s LawLlei
color_alpha = 255*I/Imax; // Brightness is proportional to intensity using alpha transparency

// For changing the value of variable resistance we use UP for increasing resistance
void keyPressed() { //
if (key == CODED & keyCode == UP ) {
Rv = Rv+DR;

// Mouse click closes swith and simulation begins
void mouseClicked() {
start = true;
// End

Well, you actually wrote what you should do.
If the circuit is open: fill it black else fill it white.

You already have all you need in the previous code. You just need to add that if statement:

boolean isOpen;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
  isOpen = true;

void draw() {
  background(200); // CLear the screen
  ellipse (300, 150, 40, 40);
  line (280, 150, 120, 150);
  line (120, 150, 120, 220);
  line (120, 290, 120, 380);
  if (isOpen) {
    line (80, 220, 120, 270); // open circuit
  } else {
    line (120, 220, 120, 290); //closed circuit
  line (320, 150, 500, 150);
  line (500, 150, 500, 250);
  line (500, 250, 500, 380);
  line (500, 380, 350, 380);
  rect (250, 350, 100, 50);
  line (250, 380, 120, 380);
  if (isOpen) {
  } else {
  ellipse (500, 250, 40, 40);
  line (270, 320, 325, 425);

void mouseClicked() {
  isOpen = !isOpen;