Hi! I have it where if the mouse is clicked inside the rectangle’s bounds then music will play. But every time I click inside the rectangle’s bounds the music will will repeat on top of each other. Is there a way I can get it where additional mouse clicks inside the bounds won’t result in overlapping music? I was thinking maybe there is a way to make the music to play out entirely before an additional mouse click plays the music again. Or if there was a way to make the music just restart if the mouse is clicked in the rectangle’s bounds after the initial click.
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile file;
void setup() {
file = new SoundFile(this,"music.mp3");
void draw() {
rect(width/2, height/2, 100,75);
void mouseClicked() {
if (mouseX>(width/2) && mouseY>(height/2) && mouseY<(height/2+75) && mouseX<(width/2+100)) {