How to input static dataset in this code?

'm a undergraduate Biomedical Engineering , only a beginner in coding. I was trying to understand this BCI code written in processing and wanted to input an EEG eye movement dataset rather than the microphone jack input . I can’t figure out how to do this. For more info on the project please visit :

The code is here :


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Were you able to resolve this issue?

It wasn’t clear what you mean by “input” a “dataset” – it looks like you want to add code that loads data from a file in the fillTimeSignalWithTestData function, rather than generating data…?

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your reply.

No I have not been able to solve it.

So what the code basically does is, it takes live input data(eeg signals) from the microphone jack of the computer and then processes it.
Now instead of real time input from the microphone jack , I want to test the code by pushing a static data set ( which is similar to what our realtime eeg input would look like as input.
The problem is that the code extensively uses minim library which is an audio processing library and can only work with audio files.
Even if I am able to load the dataset, the next steps which are applying FFT and filtering the signals are not possible as they are meant to process audio data whereas I have a csv file .

Yes, the fillTimeSignalWithTestData function is what was supposed to do just that.

I’m just a beginner in coding and I’m sure this can be just a silly problem but I have been stuck for a long time here now.

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From a quick glance, this is what I see:

If the global setting readDataFrom = INPUT_FROM_TEST_DATA, then draw will call fillTimeSignalWithTestData. What that does is:

  1. shift everthing in the timeSignal array left by one
  2. add a number to the end of the timeSignalArray

So, as draw loops, you timeSignal array is doing this each frame:


…only it is shifting and filling an array of 240 numbers (not 4 as in my example above) and rather than counting those numbers are floats generated by (counter & 0xff) / 255.0. This looks like a sawtooth wave – you can inspect the output in a separate sketch this:

void draw(){
  println((frameCount & 0xff) / 255.0);

The thing to change is for that value to be loaded from your numerical time series data. So, for example, if you loaded a column of numbers from a csv into

float myEEGRecording[];

…then each frame, your would be playing it back into the existing minim apparatus like this:

void fillTimeSignalWithRECORDEDData() {
shiftNtimes(timeSignal, 1);
timeSignal[timeLength - 1] = myEEGRecording[counter];

This will fail as soon as the counter is higher than your recording data -1. You can check at that point and stop the program, or check and then just provide 0s from then on with

  int idx = counter;
  if(counter >= myEEGRecording.length){
    idx = 0;
  timeSignal[timeLength - 1] = myEEGRecording[idx];

or if you want it to keep playing forever and have it wrap around to the beginning, you can do that with %:

timeSignal[timeLength - 1] = myEEGRecording[counter%myEEGRecording.length]
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So this is what I did …



Output :
Not what is expected.
1.)I’m having problems trying to wrap my head around the code as well, such as why “index” , “oftotal” used?

2.)Even if this works and we are able to load csv data as raw EEG data…how will we aplly FFT on this data ? As minim library only works with audio files…


looks like you need a FFT function
( outside of all music / stream … )
in that case can try this

complex FFT

// from
// kll note: that is the complex version, so need 2 input arrays, and the output as complex pairs..

//     rev 0.1 forum
//     rev 0.2 change from double to float
// kll, i have no idea what we loose?

 * @author Orlando Selenu

//kll class FFTbase {
 * The Fast Fourier Transform (generic version, with NO optimizations).
 * @param inputReal
 *            an array of length n, the real part
 * @param inputImag
 *            an array of length n, the imaginary part
 * @param DIRECT
 *            TRUE = direct transform, FALSE = inverse transform
 * @return a new array of length 2n
float[] fft(float[] inputReal, float[] inputImag, boolean DIRECT) {
  // - n is the dimension of the problem
  // - nu is its logarithm in base e
  int n = inputReal.length;

  // If n is a power of 2, then ld is an integer (_without_ decimals)
  float ld = log(n) / log(2.0);

  // Here I check if n is a power of 2. If exist decimals in ld, I quit
  // from the function returning null.
  if (((int) ld) - ld != 0) {
    System.out.println("The number of elements is not a power of 2.");
    return null;

  // Declaration and initialization of the variables
  // ld should be an integer, actually, so I don't lose any information in
  // the cast
  int nu = (int) ld;
  int n2 = n / 2;
  int nu1 = nu - 1;
  float[] xReal = new float[n];
  float[] xImag = new float[n];
  float tReal, tImag, p, arg, c, s;

  // Here I check if I'm going to do the direct transform or the inverse
  // transform.
  float constant;
  if (DIRECT)
    constant = -2 * PI;
    constant = 2 * PI;

  // I don't want to overwrite the input arrays, so here I copy them. This
  // choice adds \Theta(2n) to the complexity.
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    xReal[i] = inputReal[i];
    xImag[i] = inputImag[i];

  // First phase - calculation
  int k = 0;
  for (int l = 1; l <= nu; l++) {
    while (k < n) {
      for (int i = 1; i <= n2; i++) {
        p = bitreverseReference(k >> nu1, nu);
        // direct FFT or inverse FFT
        arg = constant * p / n;
        c = cos(arg);
        s = sin(arg);
        tReal = xReal[k + n2] * c + xImag[k + n2] * s;
        tImag = xImag[k + n2] * c - xReal[k + n2] * s;
        xReal[k + n2] = xReal[k] - tReal;
        xImag[k + n2] = xImag[k] - tImag;
        xReal[k] += tReal;
        xImag[k] += tImag;
      k += n2;
    k = 0;
    n2 /= 2;

  // Second phase - recombination
  k = 0;
  int r;
  while (k < n) {
    r = bitreverseReference(k, nu);
    if (r > k) {
      tReal = xReal[k];
      tImag = xImag[k];
      xReal[k] = xReal[r];
      xImag[k] = xImag[r];
      xReal[r] = tReal;
      xImag[r] = tImag;

  // Here I have to mix xReal and xImag to have an array (yes, it should
  // be possible to do this stuff in the earlier parts of the code, but
  // it's here to readibility).
  float[] newArray = new float[xReal.length * 2];
  float radice = 1 / sqrt(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i += 2) {
    int i2 = i / 2;
    // I used Stephen Wolfram's Mathematica as a reference so I'm going
    // to normalize the output while I'm copying the elements.
    newArray[i] = xReal[i2] * radice;
    newArray[i + 1] = xImag[i2] * radice;
  return newArray;

 * The reference bitreverse function.
int bitreverseReference(int j, int nu) {
  int j2;
  int j1 = j;
  int k = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i <= nu; i++) {
    j2 = j1 / 2;
    k = 2 * k + j1 - 2 * j2;
    j1 = j2;
  return k;
//kll }  // kll disable class thing

// kll now we try to use that in our processing sketch

int zeroy = 110, welle=1, owelle=4, many = 512;
float[] signalr = new float[many];   //signal real
float[] signali = new float[many];   //signal imag // empty

float[] myfft  = new float[2*many];
float off = -0.25f;
float fftmul = 10.0;               // fft graph zoom

void make_signal() {
  float ang = welle*2*PI/many;
  for (int i=0; i<many; i++) signalr[i] = off + 0.5*cos(ang*i)+ 0.1*cos(owelle*ang*i);

void draw_signal() {
  stroke(0, 200, 0);
  for (int i=0; i<many; i++) point(10+i, zeroy - 100.0*signalr[i]);
  stroke(200, 0, 0);
  for (int i=0; i<many; i++) line(10 +i, zeroy, 10+i, zeroy - fftmul*myfft[i]);

void setup() {
  size(532, 220);
  myfft = fft(signalr, signali, true);
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) println("i "+i+" fft "+nf(myfft[i], 1, 1));

void draw() {
  background(200, 200, 0);

sorry if i misunderstood and you despite the CSV list file input still need a sound output?