I’m going to adjust the angle of the cannon
with the orientation key on the keyboard.
How can I get a orientation key?
usually the WASD or the UPDOWNLEFTRIGHT keyboard keys are used.
and set a X/Y position.
here a version what show both ( 2 objects // even 2 player )
int p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y;
void setup(){}
void draw(){}
void keyPressed() { //__ we check on KEY operation
if (keyCode == UP ) p1y--;
else if (key == 'w' ) p2y--;
else if (keyCode == DOWN ) p1y++;
else if (key == 's' ) p2y++;
else if (keyCode == RIGHT ) p1x++;
else if (key == 'd' ) p2x++;
else if (keyCode == LEFT ) p1x--;
else if (key == 'a' ) p2x--;
println("after move: 1 ", p1x, ",", p1y, "/ 2 ", p2x, ",", p2y);
} // end keyPressed
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