How to find a colour on the screen?

i have a colour value (11, 96, 133) and i want the program to tell me if there is any colour that is really similar or exactly the same. here is the rest of my code if its useful:

PImage screenshot;
import java.awt.Robot;

void setup() {

void draw() {
     try {
       Robot robot = new Robot();
       screenshot = new PImage(robot.createScreenCapture(new java.awt.Rectangle()(0,0,screen.width,screen.height)));
     } catch (AWTException e) {
 image(screenshot, 0, 0, width, height);
screenshot(0,0,width, height);



*** 1. > * Blockquote**



[quote="MoonAlien822, post:1, topic:30405, full:true"]
i have a colour value (11, 96, 133) and i want the program to tell me if there is any colour that is really similar or exactly the same. here is the rest of my code if its useful: 

PImage screenshot;
import java.awt.Robot;

void setup() {

void draw() {
     try {
       Robot robot = new Robot();
       screenshot = new PImage(robot.createScreenCapture(new java.awt.Rectangle()(0,0,screen.width,screen.height)));
     } catch (AWTException e) {
 image(screenshot, 0, 0, width, height);
screenshot(0,0,width, height);


Please format your code as per:

This is the same code as you provided here:

I provided you with a link in the topic above to a working example that you can modify to get a PImage of the screen.

Please correct your code and then take the next step.

Once you get a PImage you can use get():

See tutorial: Intro To Image Processing section has a good example to work with!


i think i fixed it. if i need to change anything else, just say so and i will change it.


You formatted your code but did not do it correctly.
Take a look at it and you will see duplicate code… you can edit this.

That code does not work as is.
Take a look at your code and examples for some insight.

I was able to find an exact color on the screen and display x,y co-ordinates with the tips that I provided you:

This will require some work on your part to complete.



You can get the desktop screen resolution with this to integrate with the other code:

The solution above was me doing some research.
There may be other ways to do it.



import java.awt.*;

Dimension screenSize;
int scrWidth;
int scrHeight;
void setup() 
  size(640, 480, P3D);
  // This does not work!
  //Another solution
  screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
  scrWidth = (int)(screenSize.getWidth());
  scrHeight = (int)(screenSize.getHeight());
  println("1: ", scrWidth, scrHeight);
void draw() 
  println("2: ", scrWidth, scrHeight);

And an easier way:

makes reference to:

As of Processing 3, to run a sketch at the full dimensions of a screen, use the fullScreen() function, rather than the older way of using size(displayWidth, displayHeight) .

You can use:

  // This does not work!
  println(displayWidth, displayHeight);

I came across this looking here in some of the Processing source files:
Careful! You can get lost in there.


This post is continued here by @MoonAlien822 :

thank you, do you know how you, insead of finding the exact colour, can find something extremely simelar?


I made some suggestions in your topic here:

I had success comparing to a range of hues.
