How to export it to an SVG file, can someone help?

Hi all,

I am a student CS at a Highschool in the Netherlands and I need some help;This is what it’s supposed to be but I can’t find the original code anymore

I’ve been trying to export this processing code from ‘processing’ to an SVG file so I can plot it with the axidraw. It just doesn’t work. I don’t exactly know why, and would like some help.
As of right now I can’t see the code if I press ‘play’ on processing but it does load the program. I need to open it in Inkscape, but I don’t know how and my teacher also doesn’t know how to do it. I hope someone can help.
This is the code:

//I coppied this code for school work, it is NOT mine it’s Yoruks

// Simple 2D Maze Creator
// by Yoruk, taken from on old QBasic code made by me
// Published on the Instructables website, June 2014
// send comments to yoruk16_72 at yahoo dot fr

//memory allocations

import processing.svg.*;

int M;
int N;
int X;
int Y;
int K;
int Dir;
int Ka;

int[][] L ; //the maze
boolean[][] pDR; //right walls
boolean[][] pDS; //down walls

boolean CaseTrouvee ;

boolean PasContreUnbord;

int Xdep ;
int Ydep ;

boolean Possibilite ;

boolean GenerationTerminee;

void setup() {

size(500, 500, SVG, "filename.svg"); //window size in pixels

M=30; //maze size : columns
N=30; //rows

pDR = new boolean[M+5][N+5];
pDS = new boolean[M+5][N+5];
L = new int[M+5][N+5];

for (int i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) {
    for (int j = 1; j <= M; j = j+1) {
        pDR[j][i] = true ;  //close every walls
        pDS[j][i] = true;

X = 1;
Y = 1 ; //start coordinates. Don't touch !
Xdep = X;
Ydep = Y;
K = 1 ;

L[X][Y] = K;


while (GenerationTerminee==false) {

    print("debut boucle  X:");
    print(" Y:");
    print(" K:");

    //exec ok

    // ligne 5

    //check if there is a possibility around the actual cell
    Possibilite = false;

    if (X < M ) { 
        if (L[X + 1][Y] == 0) { 
            Possibilite = true;

    if (X > 1 ) {
        if (L[X - 1][Y] == 0 ) { 
            Possibilite = true;

    if (Y < N ) { 
        if (L[X][Y + 1] == 0) { 
            Possibilite = true;

    if (Y > 1) {
        if (L[X][Y - 1] == 0) { 
            Possibilite = true;

    if (Possibilite==true) {

        println("possibilite vraie");

        CaseTrouvee = false;

        while (CaseTrouvee == false) {

            Dir = int(random(4))+1;  //1 up   2 right   3 down   4 left  

            print("On tente direction : ");

            //check if the cell is visited or if it is near a boundary 
            switch (Dir) { 

            case 1:                         
                if (L[X][ Y - 1] == 0 && Y !=1 ) {
                    pDS[X][Y - 1] = false; //open the wall
                    Y = Y - 1;   

            case 2:
                if (L[X + 1][ Y] == 0  && X !=M) {
                    pDR[X][Y] = false; 
                    X = X + 1; 

            case 3:
                if (L[X][Y + 1] == 0  && Y !=N ) {
                    pDS[X][Y] = false; 
                    Y = Y + 1;  

            case 4:
                if (L[X - 1][Y] == 0  && X !=1) {
                    pDR[X - 1][Y] = false; 
                    X = X - 1;

            println("Cellule pas encore trouvee");

        print("cellule  ok:");
        K = K + 1 ;//cellule cible trouvée
        L[X][Y] = K;
        Ka = K;
        print ("on est maintenant a x:");
        print (" y:");
    else {
        //no possibility :move backwards
        Ka = Ka - 1;

        for (int i = 1; i < N; i = i+1) {  
            //find previous cell
            for (int j = 1; j < M; j = j+1) {

                if (L[j][i] == Ka) { 
                    X = i;
                    Y = j;
                    println("case precedente trouvee");

    println("hit boucle");

    if (X == Xdep && Y == Ydep) {
} //calculation done


rectMode(CORNERS) ;

//maze drawing


int tX = (width-5) / M;
int tY = (height-5) / N  ;//compute the step size

if (tX > tY) { 
    tX = tY;

rect (0, 0, M * tX, N * tX) ;     //draw boundary

for (int i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) {  
    for (int j = 1; j <= M; j = j+1) {
        if (pDS[j][i] == true)
            line (j * tX, i * tX, j * tX - tX, i * tX) ;
        if (pDR[j][i] == true) 
            line (j * tX, i * tX, j * tX, i * tX - tX);

noLoop();  // Run once and stop


//file end

Hello @AvdMaker,

I followed the first SVG Export (No Screen Display) example here and put your code in the draw() loop:

SVG Output:


Hi @glv,

Thank you for helping me! I tried that before but I don’t know where to put everything, so could you please sent me the code, if you’re okay with that.

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