How to dynamically change API search parameters?

This is the first complex bit of code I’ve written on my own! :partying_face:

I access the API, search for any image with “hand” in the title, download the data, and then display an image and it’s title from an array. And there’s a button to click to go to the next image.

However, it only returns an array of 10 records per page, along with a link to the next page. My question is how could I change the parameters of my query dynamically in order to utilize that link to the next page?

        <div id="myDiv" style="margin: auto; width: 50%; text-align: center;">
            <div id="title"></div>
            <img id="showImg" src="" style="width: 50%"/>
        <div id="nextDiv" style="margin: auto; width: 50%; text-align: center;">
            <button id="nextBtn">next</button>
            //set vars, perform query and return the data
            var apiEndpointBaseURL = "REDACTED"; //sets the endpoint
            var queryString = $.param({ //sets the parameters of the query
                apikey: "REDACTED",
                page: 1,  //sets page number of the records being returned
                size: "10", //sets max number of records I'm asking to be returned in an array
                title: "hands"
            //retrieve data and display a record
            $.getJSON(apiEndpointBaseURL + queryString, function getRecords(data) {               
                console.log(data);  //log all the data
                var nextPage =;  //contains a link to the next page
                var recNum = 0;    //display first record in the array
                var imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;  //assign imageurl
                var title = data.records[recNum].title;    //assign the corresponding title

                document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;   //display img and title
                console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);  //log what is being seen
                //click button to show next image in array
                document.getElementById("nextBtn").addEventListener("click", function nextImg() {
                    recNum++; //increment the array index on click
                    if(recNum==data.records.length){recNum=0;}  //reset index to 0 if recNum reaches the end of records. BUT NEED TO MOVE TO NEXT PAGE TOO.
                    imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;  //assign new img url
                    title = data.records[recNum].title;   //assign new title
                    for(; imgUrl === null || imgUrl === undefined;){   //if imageurl is null or undefined increment recNum and reassign
                        imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;  //reset the image url
                        title = data.records[recNum].title;   //reset the title
                        console.log("entry skipped/no image url!");    //log if an entry is skipped
                    document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;  //display new image and title
                    console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);     //log new image and title

Just checking to see if anyone has any advice on this or how to improve the question. I know it’s a difficult question to pose on the forum as a beginner but Im just confused as to how I would implement an update to the page number I’m retrieving images from, once it reaches the end of the page. Thanks!

Move your button event listener outside of the query code and update the search params as a global variable after each query. Something like this:

  var apiEndpointBaseURL = "REDACTED"; //sets the endpoint
        var queryString = $.param({ //sets the parameters of the query
            apikey: "REDACTED",
            page: 1,  //sets page number of the records being returned
            size: "10", //sets max number of records I'm asking to be returned in an array
            title: "hands"
        document.getElementById("next").addEventListener("click", function () {
        //click button to show next image in array

        function query() {
            //retrieve data and display a record
            $.getJSON(apiEndpointBaseURL + queryString, function getRecords(data) {
                console.log(data);  //log all the data

                var nextPage =;  //contains a link to the next page
                var recNum = 0;    //display first record in the array
                var imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;  //assign imageurl
                var title = data.records[recNum].title;    //assign the corresponding title

                document.getElementById("showImg").src = imgUrl;   //display img and title
                document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = title;
                console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);  //log what is being seen

                // Update query string variables
                queryString.title = title


p.s: I think questions like this are better to be posted on Stackoverflow than this forum since this forum is dedicated to p5js


Sorry I never saw this! Thank you so much. I will work on it and report back.

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Ok… so I realize it’s been a couple months, and I’ve been reading and have learned alot. However… I still can’t figure out this (probably simple) thing. Here is the code I have working. I just want to move to the next page after the last image is reached, which can be achieved by using which gives me a url for the next page. I just can’t get anything to work though. I’ve tried incorporating your suggestions but it causes other problems, so I’m posting my full working code here.

        <div id="myDiv" style="margin: auto; width: 50%; text-align: center;">
            <div id="title"></div>
            <img id="showImg" src="" style="width: 50%"/>
        <div id="nextDiv" style="margin: auto; width: 50%; text-align: center;">
            <button id="nextBtn">next</button>

            //set vars, perform query and return the data
            var apiEndpointBaseURL = "REDACTED"; //sets the endpoint, this returns all resources in the 'objects' category
            var queryString = $.param({                                           //sets the parameters of the query
                apikey: "REDACTED",
                page: 1,                         //sets page number of the records being returned
                size: "10",                   //sets max number of records I'm asking to be returned in an array, up to 100, default is 10. The records are randmoized each call?
                title: "hands",
                //classification: "Paintings",  //list of label parameters and values (or use "any" value)
                //culture: "Mesopotamian",   
                //worktype: "videotape",
            //retrieve data and display a record
            $.getJSON(apiEndpointBaseURL + queryString, function getRecords(data) {               
                console.log(data);                                      //log all the data
                var recNum = 0;                                         //display first record in the array
                var imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;      //assign imageurl var
                var title = data.records[recNum].title;                 //assign the corresponding title

                for(; imgUrl === null || imgUrl === undefined;){            //if imageurl is null or undefined increment recNum and reassign
                    imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;          //reset the image url
                    title = data.records[recNum].title;                     //reset the title
                    console.log("entry skipped/no image url!");             //log if an entry is skipped
                document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;          //display img and title
                console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);                     //log what is being seen
                //click button to show next image in array
                document.getElementById("nextBtn").addEventListener("click", function nextImg() {
                    if(recNum==data.records.length){recNum=0;}                  //reset counter to 0 if recNum reaches the end of records. NEED TO MOVE TO NEXT PAGE SOMEHOW!
                    imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;              //assign new img url
                    title = data.records[recNum].title;                         //assign new title
                    for(; imgUrl === null || imgUrl === undefined;){            //if imageurl is null or undefined increment recNum and reassign
                        imgUrl = data.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;          //reset the image url
                        title = data.records[recNum].title;                     //reset the title
                        console.log("entry skipped/no image url!");             //log if an entry is skipped
                    document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;              //display new image and title
                    console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);                         //log new image and title

sorry but it seems it has nothing to do with p5.js so I suggest asking the question on other forums like stackoverflow. Good luck!

thanks but stackoverflow is NO help, ever. And this does have to do with p5, I’m working on it based on a p5 youtube tutorial. Edit: to be clear, it is specifically the jerks at stackoverflow that discourage me from even wanting to learn how to code. If you can offer some useful forum for beginner coders I would post there, but stackoverflow is a bunch of hyper aggressive misogynist ***holes.

Based on suggestions I’ve rewritten my code using fetch.
Nothing I have tried will allow me to get to update the queryString page in order to move to the next image. I’m trying to update the by incrementing it in the nextImage function ( when the ‘next image’ button is clicked but it’s just staying on page 1:

Nothing I have tried will allow me to get to update the queryString page in order to move to the next image. I’m trying to update the by incrementing it in the nextImage function ( when the ‘next image’ button is clicked but it’s showing a page change in the console.log but the images are just staying on page 1:

        //set vars, perform query and return the data
        var apiEndpointBaseURL = "redacted?"; //sets the endpoint, this returns all resources in the 'objects' category
        var queryString = {                                           //sets the parameters of the query
            apikey: "redacted",
            page: 1,                      //sets page number of the records being returned
            size: "10",                   //sets max number of records I'm asking to be returned in an array, up to 100, default is 10. The records are randmoized each call?
            title: "god",
            //classification: "Paintings",  //list of label parameters and values (or use "any" value)
            //culture: "Mesopotamian",   
            //worktype: "videotape",
        var theQuery = Object.keys(queryString).map(function(k) {
                            return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(queryString[k])
        var urlAndQuery = apiEndpointBaseURL + theQuery;
        var theData
        var recNum = 0;                                                 //display first record in the array
        fetch(urlAndQuery)                                                  //the query
        .then(function(theResponse) {
            return theResponse.json();
            theData = theObj;
            console.log("oh no an error! " + theErrors   );
        function displayImg(){
            var url = theData.records[recNum].url;
            var imgUrl = theData.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;      //assign imageurl var
            var title = theData.records[recNum].title;                 //assign the corresponding title
            var nextPage =;
            for(; imgUrl === null || imgUrl === undefined;){            //if imageurl is null or undefined increment recNum and reassign
                imgUrl = theData.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;       //reset the image url
                title = theData.records[recNum].title;                  //reset the title
                console.log("entry skipped/no image url!");             //log if an entry is skipped
            document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;              //display img and title
            console.log(recNum, title, url);                            //log what is being seen
        //click button to show next image in array. 
        document.getElementById("nextBtn").addEventListener("click", function() {nextImg()});
        function nextImg(){                                                    
                imgUrl = theData.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;              //assign new img/rec url
                title = theData.records[recNum].title;                         //assign new title
                for(; imgUrl === null || imgUrl === undefined;){               //if imageurl is null or undefined increment recNum and reassign
                    if(recNum==theData.records.length){recNum=0;; fetch(urlAndQuery); console.log(queryString);};    //NEED TO MOVE TO NEXT PAGE SOMEHOW!
                    imgUrl = theData.records[recNum].primaryimageurl;          //reset the image url
                    title = theData.records[recNum].title;                     //reset the title
                    console.log("entry skipped/no image url!");                //log if an entry is skipped
                document.getElementById("showImg").src=imgUrl;              //display new image and title
                console.log(recNum, title, imgUrl);                         //log new image and title