How to draw this graph

import processing.serial.*;
import processing.core.PFont;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

Serial port;
ArrayList<PVector> dataPoints;
float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph
float graphWidth; // Width of the graph
float graphHeight;

// x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;

// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 5;
int yStep = 1;

PFont boldFont;  // Declare a variable for the bold font

// Swing components
JFrame frame;
JTable dataTable;
DefaultTableModel tableModel;

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the Processing window
  graphX = width * 0.2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph
  graphY = height * 0.8;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph
  graphWidth = width * 0.6; // Width of the graph
  graphHeight = height * 0.6; // Height of the graph
  printArray(Serial.list());  // Print available serial ports in the console
  port = new Serial(this, "COM5", 9600);  // Replace "COM3" with the appropriate port name
  port.bufferUntil('\n');  // Set the character to buffer until newline
  // Initialize data points list
  dataPoints = new ArrayList<PVector>();
  // Load a bold font
  boldFont = createFont("Arial Bold", 12);  // Replace "Arial Bold" with the name of your desired bold font

  // Initialize Swing components
  frame = new JFrame("Data Table");
  tableModel = new DefaultTableModel();
  tableModel.addColumn("Angle (θ)");
  tableModel.addColumn("Kinematics of Mechanism (m / s)");
  dataTable = new JTable(tableModel);
  frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(dataTable));
  frame.setSize(400, 300);

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white
  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Draw the x-axis
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + graphWidth, graphY);
  // Draw the arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + graphWidth - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
    graphX + graphWidth - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
    graphX + graphWidth, graphY);
  textFont(boldFont);  // Set the text font to bold
  textSize(12);  // Set the font size for "Angle"
  text("Angle(θ)", graphX + graphWidth/2 + 24, graphY + 42);

  // Draw the y-axis
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX, graphY - graphHeight);
  // Draw the arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - graphHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - graphHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX, graphY - graphHeight);
  textFont(boldFont);  // Set the text font to bold
  textSize(12);  // Set the font size for "Velocity of Mechanism"
  text("Kinematics of Mechanism (m / s)", graphX - 25, graphY - graphHeight + 152);
  // Write x-axis values

  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + graphWidth );
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 8);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 25);
    int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = graphWidth  / (float)(xMax - xMin) * xStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    for (int j = 0; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionWidth);
      if (subXPos < graphX + graphWidth ) {
        line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 4);
 // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - graphHeight);
    line(graphX - 8, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);
     int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = graphHeight / (float)(yMax - yMin) * yStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    for (int k = 0; k < numSubDivisions; k++) {
      float subYPos = yPos + (k * subDivisionWidth);
      if (graphY > subYPos) {
        line(graphX - 4, subYPos, graphX, subYPos );
  // Draw latest point
  if (dataPoints.size() > 0) {
    PVector latestPoint = dataPoints.get(dataPoints.size() - 1);
    float x = map(latestPoint.x, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + graphWidth);
    float y = map(latestPoint.y, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - graphHeight);
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(x, y, 8, 8);
  // Draw data points
  stroke(0, 0, 255);
  for (int i = 1; i < dataPoints.size(); i++) {
    PVector prevPoint = dataPoints.get(i - 1);
    PVector point = dataPoints.get(i);
    float prevX = map(prevPoint.x, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + graphWidth);
    float prevY = map(prevPoint.y, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - graphHeight);
    float x = map(point.x, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + graphWidth);
    float y = map(point.y, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - graphHeight);
    line(prevX, prevY, x, y);

void serialEvent(Serial port) {
  String data = port.readStringUntil('\n');  // Read the received data until newline character
  if (data != null) {
    data = data.trim();
    println("Data received: " + data);
    // Parse the data string
    int commaIndex = data.indexOf(',');
    if (commaIndex != -1) {
      String angleStr = data.substring(0, commaIndex);
      String hDotStr = data.substring(commaIndex + 1);
      // Convert the parsed values to floats
      float angle = float(angleStr);
      float h_dot = float(hDotStr);
      // Create a PVector with angle and h_dot values
      PVector point = new PVector(angle, h_dot);
      // Add the point to the data points list
      // Add the data to the JTable
      tableModel.addRow(new Object[]{angle, h_dot});
      // Print the parsed values
      println("Parsed Angle: " + angle);
      println("Parsed h_dot: " + h_dot);

i have made the code with Jtable the table generate but both angle and velocity mechanism values repeated continuosly like scorll down a lot not stable

values repeated continuosly like scroll down a lot not stable

The table will scroll if you continuously add large volumes of data. When you stop the data inflow then it should stop scrolling, but all of your data should be in the table for you to scroll up and down to examine. I think it looks pretty good for your first attempt. My only suggestion is to add a back slash followed by ‘n’, i.e., “\n” after “kinematics of” in the text for the y-axis label. This addition will cause a line break to put your label on two lines instead of one. It should look something like this:


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yes sure thank you for suggestion , going to change it