How to draw this graph

i want to draw this kind of graph

please guide me thank you

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Do you have source code from your attempts to draw the graph?


thank you for reply , i try to draw

float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the window
  graphX = width / 2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window
  graphY = height / 2;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white

  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Define the width and height of the axes
  float xAxisWidth = width * 0.99;  // Change the width as desired (e.g., 80% of the window width)
  float yAxisHeight = height * 0.80;  // Change the height as desired (e.g., 50% of the window height)

  // Draw the right half of the x-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw a horizontal line
  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
           graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
           graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw angle label on the x-axis
  text("Angle", graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - 160, graphY + 30);  // Display the angle label

  // Draw the upper half of the y-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight, graphX, graphY);  // Draw a vertical line
  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
           graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
           graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw "h_dot" label on the y-axis
  text("h_dot", graphX - 35, graphY - yAxisHeight + 200);  // Display the "h_dot" label below the y-axis

  // Draw the origin O(0,0)
  fill(255, 0, 0);  // Set the fill color to red
  noStroke();  // Disable stroke for the origin
  float originSize = 10;  // Size of the origin representation
  ellipse(graphX, graphY, originSize, originSize);  // Draw a small circle at the origin

  // Write x-axis values
  for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i += 10) {
    float xPos = map(i, 0, 60, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 15);
  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i += 10) {
    float yPos = map(i, 0, 60, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);

please guide me how to divide x-axis and y-axis into smaller segments(10)

Try adding variables for the x-axis and y-axis ranges:

//  x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;

// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 100;
int yStep = 10;

Then when you create the values for each axis:

  // Write x-axis values
  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 5);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 20);

  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX - 5, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);

I also dropped the x-axis “Angle” label by 10 just to make it look better.

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i am also trying to make these smaller segments on x-axis and y-axis line but could not make it
please need guide

smaller lines “|”

thank you got it now

float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph
//  x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;
// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 100;
int yStep = 10;

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the window
  graphX = width / 2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window
  graphY = height / 2;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white

  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Define the width and height of the axes
  float xAxisWidth = width * 0.99;  // Change the width as desired (e.g., 80% of the window width)
  float yAxisHeight = height * 0.80;  // Change the height as desired (e.g., 50% of the window height)

  // Draw the right half of the x-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw a horizontal line
  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
           graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
           graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw angle label on the x-axis
  text("Angle", graphX + xAxisWidth/2 -167, graphY + 40);  // Display the angle label

  // Draw the upper half of the y-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight, graphX, graphY);  // Draw a vertical line
  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
           graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
           graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw "h_dot" label on the y-axis
  text("h_dot", graphX - 35, graphY - yAxisHeight + 205);  // Display the "h_dot" label below the y-axis

  // Draw the origin O(0,0)
  fill(255, 0, 0);  // Set the fill color to red
  noStroke();  // Disable stroke for the origin
  float originSize = 10;  // Size of the origin representation
  ellipse(graphX, graphY, originSize, originSize);  // Draw a small circle at the origin

  // Draw vertical lines on the x-axis
  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY - 5);
    for (int j = 1; j < xStep; j++) {
      float xPosMinor = map(i+j, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
      line(xPosMinor, graphY, xPosMinor, graphY - 2);

  // Draw horizontal lines on the y-axis
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX, yPos, graphX + 5, yPos);
    for (int j = 1; j < yStep; j++) {
      float yPosMinor = map(i+j, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
      line(graphX, yPosMinor, graphX + 2, yPosMinor);

// Write x-axis values
for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
  float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
  line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 5);
  text(i, xPos, graphY + 25);

  // Draw smaller divisions
  int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
  float majorDivisionWidth = xAxisWidth / (float)(xMax - xMin) * xStep;
  float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
  for (int j = 1; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
    float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionWidth);
    line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 3.8);
  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX - 5, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);


please check this , these ticks are out of line

Don’t let subXPos go past the end of the X-axis:

   for (int j = 0; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionWidth);
      if (subXPos < graphX + xAxisWidth/2) {
        line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 3.8);

You also have some redundant code (shortened version follows):

float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph

//  x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;

// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 100;
int yStep = 10;

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the window
  graphX = width / 2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window
  graphY = height / 2;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white
  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Define the width and height of the axes
  float xAxisWidth = width * 0.99;  // Change the width as desired (e.g., 80% of the window width)
  float yAxisHeight = height * 0.80;  // Change the height as desired (e.g., 50% of the window height)

  // Draw the right half of the x-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw a horizontal line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw angle label on the x-axis
  text("Angle", graphX + xAxisWidth/2 -167, graphY + 40);  // Display the angle label

  // Draw the upper half of the y-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight, graphX, graphY);  // Draw a vertical line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw "h_dot" label on the y-axis
  text("h_dot", graphX - 35, graphY - yAxisHeight + 205);  // Display the "h_dot" label below the y-axis

  // Draw the origin O(0,0)
  fill(255, 0, 0);  // Set the fill color to red
  noStroke();  // Disable stroke for the origin
  float originSize = 10;  // Size of the origin representation
  ellipse(graphX, graphY, originSize, originSize);  // Draw a small circle at the origin

  // Write x-axis values

  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 5);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 25);
    int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = xAxisWidth / (float)(xMax - xMin) * xStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    for (int j = 0; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionWidth);
      if (subXPos < graphX + xAxisWidth/2) {
        line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 3.8);
  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX - 5, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);

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Hello @kusspuss,

Consider removing all the graphX and graphY offsets (replace with 0 for testing and later remove them as required) and replace them with a single translate:

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  translate(graphX, graphY);

This is another approach to your divisions:

for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += 1) {
  //float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, 0, xAxisWidth/2); // Replaced below
  float xSpace = (xAxisWidth/2)/(xMax-xMin);
  float xPos = i*xSpace;
  if(i%10 == 0)
    line(xPos, 0, xPos, 10);
    text(i, xPos, 25);
    line(xPos, 0, xPos, 5);

I tried the above:


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thank you very much as you mentioned “Consider removing all the graphX and graphY offsets (replace with 0 for testing and later remove them as required) and replace them with a single translate:” this thing i do not understand

thank you very much perfectly got it

i think i am doing something wrong , please need guide

The following source code should place tick marks on both axes. If you set the xAxisWidth as a percentage of the window width (similar to what you did for yAxisHeight) you will see all ten subdivisions on the xAxis just like the yAxis.

float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph

//  x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;

// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 100;
int yStep = 10;

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the window
  graphX = width / 2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window
  graphY = height / 2;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white
  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Define the width and height of the axes
  float xAxisWidth = width * 0.65;  // Change the width as desired (e.g., 80% of the window width)
  float yAxisHeight = height * 0.80;  // Change the height as desired (e.g., 50% of the window height)

  // Draw the right half of the x-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + xAxisWidth, graphY);  // Draw a horizontal line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + xAxisWidth - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth, graphY);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw angle label on the x-axis
  text("Angle", graphX + xAxisWidth/2 + 15, graphY + 40);  // Display the angle label

  // Draw the upper half of the y-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight, graphX, graphY);  // Draw a vertical line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw "h_dot" label on the y-axis
  text("h_dot", graphX - 35, graphY - yAxisHeight + 205);  // Display the "h_dot" label below the y-axis

  // Draw the origin O(0,0)
  fill(255, 0, 0);  // Set the fill color to red
  noStroke();  // Disable stroke for the origin
  float originSize = 10;  // Size of the origin representation
  ellipse(graphX, graphY, originSize, originSize);  // Draw a small circle at the origin

  // Write x-axis values

  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth);
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 8);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 25);
    int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = xAxisWidth / (float)(xMax - xMin) * xStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    for (int j = 0; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionWidth);
      if (subXPos < graphX + xAxisWidth) {
        line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 4);
  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX - 8, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);
     int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = yAxisHeight / (float)(yMax - yMin) * yStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    for (int k = 0; k < numSubDivisions; k++) {
      float subYPos = yPos + (k * subDivisionWidth);
      if (graphY > subYPos) {
        line(graphX - 4, subYPos, graphX, subYPos );

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somehow i try this but not sure will be good to draw a graph between these cordinates

float graphX;  // X-coordinate of the graph
float graphY;  // Y-coordinate of the graph

// x axis label range
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 100;
int xStep = 10;

// y axis label range
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 100;
int yStep = 10;

void setup() {
  size(750, 500);  // Set the size of the window
  graphX = width / 2;  // Set the initial X-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window
  graphY = height / 2;  // Set the initial Y-coordinate of the graph to the center of the window

void draw() {
  background(255);  // Set the background color to white
  // Set the stroke color and weight for axes and origin
  stroke(0);  // Set the stroke color to black
  strokeWeight(1);  // Set the stroke weight to 1

  // Update the position of the graph based on mouse movement
  if (mousePressed) {
    graphX += mouseX - pmouseX;  // Update the X-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the X-axis
    graphY += mouseY - pmouseY;  // Update the Y-coordinate of the graph based on mouse movement on the Y-axis

  // Define the width and height of the axes
  float xAxisWidth = width * 0.99;  // Change the width as desired (e.g., 80% of the window width)
  float yAxisHeight = height * 0.80;  // Change the height as desired (e.g., 50% of the window height)

  // Draw the right half of the x-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY, graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw a horizontal line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the x-axis
  float arrowSize = 8;  // Size of the arrowhead
  triangle(graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY - arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - arrowSize, graphY + arrowSize/2,
    graphX + xAxisWidth/2, graphY);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw angle label on the x-axis
  text("Angle", graphX + xAxisWidth/2 - 167, graphY + 40);  // Display the angle label

  // Draw the upper half of the y-axis with the updated graph position
  line(graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight, graphX, graphY);  // Draw a vertical line

  // Draw arrowhead at the end of the y-axis
  triangle(graphX - arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX + arrowSize/2, graphY - yAxisHeight + arrowSize,
    graphX, graphY - yAxisHeight);  // Draw the triangle arrowhead

  // Draw "h_dot" label on the y-axis
  text("h_dot", graphX - 35, graphY - yAxisHeight + 205);  // Display the "h_dot" label below the y-axis

  // Draw the origin O(0,0)
  fill(255, 0, 0);  // Set the fill color to red
  noStroke();  // Disable stroke for the origin
  float originSize = 10;  // Size of the origin representation
  ellipse(graphX, graphY, originSize, originSize);  // Draw a small circle at the origin

  // Write x-axis values

  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) {
    float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, graphX, graphX + xAxisWidth/2);
    line(xPos, graphY, xPos, graphY + 5);
    text(i, xPos, graphY + 25);
    int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionWidth = xAxisWidth / (float)(xMax - xMin) * xStep;
    float subDivisionWidth = majorDivisionWidth / numSubDivisions;
    float subDivisionSpacing = subDivisionWidth / (numSubDivisions - 8);

    // Draw smaller divisions within each major division
    for (int j = 1; j <= numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subXPos = xPos + (j * subDivisionSpacing);
      if (subXPos < graphX + xAxisWidth / 2) {
        line(subXPos, graphY, subXPos, graphY + 3.7);

  // Write y-axis values
  textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);

  for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) {
    float yPos = map(i, yMin, yMax, graphY, graphY - yAxisHeight);
    line(graphX - 5, yPos, graphX, yPos);
    text(i, graphX - 12, yPos);
    int numSubDivisions = 10; // Number of smaller divisions within each major division
    float majorDivisionHeight = yAxisHeight / (float)(yMax - yMin) * yStep;
    float subDivisionHeight = majorDivisionHeight / numSubDivisions;

    // Draw smaller divisions within each major division
    for (int j = 1; j < numSubDivisions; j++) {
      float subYPos = yPos - (j * subDivisionHeight);
      if (subYPos > graphY - yAxisHeight) {
        line(graphX, subYPos, graphX - 2.7, subYPos);


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If you stop using xAxisWidth/2 (and use smaller percentage of width instead), especially in map() then you will get the expected 10 tick marks per unit for the xAxis and won’t need the extra subDivisionSpacing. You did manage to get tick marks on both axes, however; it’s up to you which version you use.

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the version as you mentioned is very perfect, thank you very much going for it

Enjoyed working with you on this project; keep writing code. Persistence usually pays off.

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yes thank you so much now going to parsing values and try draw graph

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You can translate everything in one line instead of adding an offset to each x and y throughout the whole program to move it.



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An example using a single translate() and combining snippets from my previous post:

// Translate a line
// By: glv
// Date: 2023-07-10

void setup()
  size(500, 500);  
void draw()
  int xMin = 0;
  int xMax = 100;
  float scale = 1.5;
  float xAxisWidth = width/2;
  translate(mouseX, mouseY);
  for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += 2) {
    //float xPos = map(i, xMin, xMax, 0, xAxisWidth/2); // Replaced below
    float xSpace = (xAxisWidth)/(xMax-xMin);
    float xPos = i*xSpace*scale;
    if(i%5 == 0)
      line(xPos, 0, xPos, 10);
      text(i, xPos, 25);
      line(xPos, 0, xPos, 5);

Only an example… concepts will need to be integrated into a project.


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