I want to make an ‘iOS dynamic wallpaper generator’ in processing.
I made a class that can draw a dynamic gradient color spot. But I don’t know how to draw multiple spots with different(random) color, shape, and position. Now I manually draw 2 objects but they are identical.
Please give me some suggestions. Thank you in advance
Code attached here:
PVector offset1, offset2;
float scale = 0.001; //smoothness
color c1, c2;
float hue2, saturation2, brightness2;
float shapeSize = random(100, 250);
void setup() {
size(640, 640);
blendMode(MULTIPLY); //Test
offset1 = new PVector(random(10000), random(10000));
offset2 = new PVector(random(10000), random(10000));
void mousePressed() { //Reset color
c1 = color(random(255), random(150, 180), random(240, 255)); //Rim color, brighter
hue2 = hue(c1) + random(40, 55);
if (hue2 >255) {
hue2 = hue(c1) - random(40, 55);
saturation2 = saturation(c1) - random(40, 60);
brightness2 = brightness(c1) + random(80, 100); //As the blend mode is multiply
c2 = color(hue2, saturation2, brightness2); //Center color
void draw() {
Obj objA = new Obj(200, 200);
Obj objB = new Obj(400, 400);
class Obj {
float x, y;
Obj(float _x, float _y) {
x = _x;
y = _y;
void drawObj() {
translate(x, y); //Change coordinates
float speed = 0.001; //wiggling speed
int roundness = 400; //
for (float radious = shapeSize-1; radious > (shapeSize-100); radious -= (shapeSize-radious)/10)
//Layers, draw from the biggest
//Give it gradients in a short range from the rim
fill(map(radious, 0, shapeSize, hue(c2), hue(c1)), //Color
map(radious, 0, shapeSize, saturation(c2), saturation(c1)),
map(radious, 0, shapeSize, brightness(c2), brightness(c1)),
20); //Alpha
for (float angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 1) //vertex steps
float radian = radians(angle); //Got angle
float x = radious * cos(radian); //Got x&y from trig func*radious, still fixed numbers
float y = radious * sin(radian);
float nx = x + map(noise(x * scale + offset1.x, y * scale + offset1.y, frameCount * speed), 0, 1, -roundness, roundness);
//nx = noiseX
float ny = y + map(noise(x * scale + offset2.x, y * scale + offset2.y, frameCount * speed), 0, 1, -roundness, roundness);
vertex(nx, ny); //Confirm one point
translate(-x, -y); //Change back coordinates