How to create different color for each point

import java.awt.Point;

final static int N_POINTS_EACH= 13;

float scale = 0.25f;

ArrayList <PointSet> allpointsets;

int currentset = 0;

void settings() {
  size(700, 500);

void setup() {
  allpointsets = new ArrayList();  // processing doesn't recognize the <> 
  Table table = loadTable("points.csv", "header");
  for ( TableRow tr : table.rows() ) {
    allpointsets.add(new PointSet(tr));

void draw() {
  PointSet ps = allpointsets.get(currentset);
  for ( Point p : ps.points ) {
    // Java default double -> Processing default float
    point((float)p.getX()*scale, (float)p.getY()*scale );
  if ( currentset>=allpointsets.size() ) currentset = 0;

void keyPressed(){ //changes the value of scale when the key is pressed.
  if (key==','){
    scale -= 0.01;
  else if(key=='.'){
    scale += 0.01;

class PointSet {
  Point [] points;

  PointSet( row ) {
    points = new Point[N_POINTS_EACH];
    for (int i=0; i<N_POINTS_EACH; i++) {
      int x = row.getInt( "x"+(i+1) ); // +1 because starting from "x1" in data 
      int y = row.getInt( "y"+(i+1) );
      points[i] = new Point(x, y);


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First of all, you should format your code by pressing Ctrl+T in the Processing IDE then use the </> button in the message editor on the forum.