How to create a reset for my program

I created a simple Pong game for my program, currently when the score for one player reaches “10” the window just closes. I’m trying to make it so when it reaches 10 the program will instead just close and then restart, is there a simple way of doing this? Heres my current code (I’m pretty new sorry for the mess)

float ballX = 300;   //this determines the location for the ball
float ballY = 300;  //this determines the location for the ball
float direction = 2;
float direction2 = 2;
float speed= 1.001;  // controls speed
float rightPaddleY1 =300; //controls the movement of right paddle
float rightPaddleY2 =350;
float leftPaddleY1 =40;   //controls movement of left paddle
float leftPaddleY2 =90;
int score1 = 0;
int score2 = 0;

void setup() {
  background(260, 20, 20);
  frameRate(75); //another speed variable
  size(600, 500);

void draw() {
  background(100, 80, 160);
  text( score1, 30, 60 );      //Score counter display for P1
  text( score2, 550, 60 );    //Score counter display for P2
  text( "Player 1", 10, 30);      //Player 1
  text( "Player 2", 480, 30);    //Player 2

  strokeWeight(2); //Thickness of ball
  ellipse(ballX, ballY, 20, 20);  //ball
  strokeWeight(5); // thickness of paddle

  line(580, rightPaddleY1, 580, rightPaddleY2);   // These are the paddles
  line(20, leftPaddleY1, 20, leftPaddleY2);

  if (score1 == 10) {   //Sets player ones win condition (10 score)
    text("Player 1 Wins", 2+0, 300);

  if (score2 == 10) {                  // sets player twos win condition (10 score)
    text("Player 2 Wins", 400, 300);

  if (score1 == 11) {   // These two lines close the game after win conditions have been met
  if (score2 == 11) {

  if (ballX < 15) {  //this resets the ball on the left side
    ballX = 300; 
    ballY = 300;
    score2 ++;
    direction = -1;
    direction2 = -1;

  if (ballX > 585) {      //this resets the ball on the right side
    ballX = 300;
    ballY = 300;
    score1 ++;
    direction = -1;
    direction2 = -1;

  if (ballX < 32) {    //Makes left paddle collide
    if (ballY > leftPaddleY1 -10 && ballY < leftPaddleY1 +70) {
      direction = direction * -1;

  if (ballX > 568) {      //Makes right paddle collide
    if (ballY > rightPaddleY1 -15 && ballY < rightPaddleY1 +60) {
      direction = direction * -1;

  if (keyPressed) {                      //All of these control the left paddle
    if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
      leftPaddleY1 = leftPaddleY1 +10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
      leftPaddleY2 = leftPaddleY2 +10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
      leftPaddleY1 = leftPaddleY1 -10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {              //Left paddle control end
      leftPaddleY2 = leftPaddleY2 -10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'l' || key == 'L') {                //All of these control the right paddle
      rightPaddleY1 = rightPaddleY1 +10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'l' || key == 'L') {
      rightPaddleY2 = rightPaddleY2 +10;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'o' || key == 'O') {
      rightPaddleY1 = rightPaddleY1 -10;
  if (keyPressed) {  
    if (key == 'o' || key == 'O') {            //Right paddle control end
      rightPaddleY2 = rightPaddleY2 -10;


  //This makes the ball collide with the bottom
  if (ballY > 490) {
    direction2 = direction2 * -1;
  //This makes the ball collide with the top
  if (ballY < 10) {
    direction2 = direction2 * -1;
  direction = direction * speed;
  direction2 = direction2 * speed;
  ballY = ballY + direction2;
  ballX = ballX + direction;
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Do you realy need to close and restart the program?
You could also just reset all variables like you do before the setup()

void newGame()
float ballX = 300; //this determines the location for the ball
float ballY = 300; //this determines the location for the ball
float direction = 2;
float direction2 = 2;
float speed= 1.001; // controls speed
float rightPaddleY1 =300; //controls the movement of right paddle
float rightPaddleY2 =350;
float leftPaddleY1 =40; //controls movement of left paddle
float leftPaddleY2 =90;
int score1 = 0;
int score2 = 0;
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