How to control a Softbody ball

float r = 10;
float grav = 1100;//gravity
float resolution = 30;
float dt = 0.01;
float mouseR = 200;
Softbody softbody;

void setup(){
  //size(500, 500);
  softbody = new Softbody(r, resolution);

void draw(){
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, mouseR, mouseR);

class Vertex{
  PVector pos;
  PVector vel = new PVector();
  PVector acc = new PVector();
  Vertex(PVector pos){
    this.pos = pos;
  void update(){
    acc.add(new PVector(0, grav));
    vel.add(PVector.mult(acc, dt));
    pos.add(PVector.mult(vel, dt));
    if(pos.x < 0 || pos.x > width){
      vel.x = -vel.x/2;
    if(pos.y < 0 || pos.y > height){
      vel.y = -vel.y/2;
    PVector mouse = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
    if(PVector.dist(pos, mouse) < mouseR/2){
      float angle = atan2(pos.y-mouseY, pos.x-mouseX);println(angle);
      pos = mouse.add(PVector.fromAngle(angle).setMag(mouseR/2));
    pos = new PVector(constrain(pos.x, 0, width), constrain(pos.y, 0, height));
    acc = new PVector();

class Softbody{
  ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
  ArrayList<Spring> springs = new ArrayList<Spring>();
  float resolution;
  float ks = 3000;//spring power
  float kd = 35;//spring dump?
  float r;
  float pressure = 7000000;
  float volume;
  Softbody(float r, float resolution){
    this.r = r;
    this.resolution = resolution;
    for(float i = 0; i < resolution; i++){
      float theta = map(i, 0, resolution, 0, TWO_PI);
      vertices.add(new Vertex(PVector.fromAngle(theta).setMag(r).add(new PVector(width/2, height/2))));
    for(int i = 0; i < resolution; i++){
      springs.add(new Spring(vertices.get(i), vertices.get((i+1)%int(resolution))));
  void update(){
    for(int i = 0; i < resolution; i++){
      Spring spring = springs.get(i);
      float l = spring.calcL();
      if(l != 0){
        PVector vSub = PVector.sub(spring.start.vel, spring.end.vel);
        PVector pSub = PVector.sub(spring.start.pos, spring.end.pos);
        float f = (l - spring.baseL) * ks +, pSub) * kd / l;
        pSub.normalize();//spring direction
        spring.start.acc.sub(PVector.mult(pSub, f));
        spring.end.acc.add(PVector.mult(pSub, f));
        spring.normal = pSub.rotate(HALF_PI);
    volume = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < resolution; i++){
      Spring spring = springs.get(i);
      float l = spring.calcL();
      float midX = (spring.start.pos.x - spring.end.pos.x)/2;
      volume += abs(midX) * abs(spring.normal.x) * l;
    for(int i = 0; i < resolution; i++){
      Spring spring = springs.get(i);
      float l = spring.calcL();
      float pressureRev = l * pressure /volume;
      spring.start.acc.add(PVector.mult(spring.normal, pressureRev));
      spring.end.acc.add(PVector.mult(spring.normal, pressureRev));
    for(Vertex v : vertices){
  void show(){
    for(Vertex v : vertices){
      vertex(v.pos.x, v.pos.y);

class Spring{
  Vertex start, end;
  float baseL;
  PVector normal;
  Spring(Vertex start, Vertex end){
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.baseL = PVector.dist(start.pos, end.pos);
  float calcL(){
    return PVector.dist(start.pos, end.pos);

hi guys, I’m doing a project recently about how noise affects people, and I wanna make a softbody ball that would change its appearance by different dB. Then I find a similar example like this but I think the code is too hard for me, hope someone can give me some advice, I will be very appreciated! Thank You!

the ball movement would like this game

my question is :
1. How to control the ball with keyboard?
2. How to change the soft-level?
3. How to change the ball to different state by dB?

Does anyone know how to make the softball like this game? can control with keyboard~


this post is not helpful since you already have a soft ball in your other thread.