How does p5, or JS handle decimal drawing on canvas?

I am very confused about how this works. I always thought about pixels as whole numbers, and I was writing my game having this constantly in mind. I thought, okay this has to work with whole numbers, I can’t have decimals because it will just round it when I draw things, so it will not be accurate. This wrecked my brain. However, then I thought okay let’s just forget pixels and think as if I could draw things with decimal accuracy, just to see what it would look like on the canvas, and what do you know, it worked exactly how I wanted it to work. I am very curious if anyone knows how this is possible?

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I’m pretty sure it just truncates the value, so e.g. 42.375 would just be treated as 42 when it’s drawn to the screen.

You could test this yourself by creating a sketch that draws two points: one at 50, 50 and another at 50.1, 50.1, and then zooming in to see if there’s any difference.

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Thats what I assume as well, yes. But the way my code works at the moment is like this:
current x,y position is incremented by a very small number, calculated using trigonometry. So, I want the next x,y position to be diagonally always at 1.5 pixel distance away from the old x,y position, so using trigonometry I find what the change in x and y should be, which usually varies around 1.0-1.2. And my code works perfect, it totally makes a distinction in direction depending on a radius i choose. This makes no sense to me because I would say 1.0-1.2 always rounds down to 1.0, so there shouldnt be a diagonal movement (besides the one diagonal which is, x+1 and y+1) but there is every diagonal you would want… how is this possible?

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possibly the
and the
not make it a pure INT thing we would think of first.
for p5.js must be something similar??

that’s interesting. What does changing the pixelDensity do exactly? I dont quite understand, as it just says “makes it possible for Processing to render using all of the pixels on high resolutions screens”. I mean, what is it by default? Do we not have pixel-control over the screen? is it an illusion?

i not suggested changing,
check with


my idea was just to say that if you think you control 1 pix,
it might be with pixelDensity = 2
actually 4 screen pixel
what you can check if they have one or 4 different colors.
( but i am not sure if i have the right understanding )

both display and pixel density are 1, checked :smile:

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can you show your problem code in
something like i see that line width is repeatedly changing?

by the way pls test strokeWeight(0.5)
how that fits into any pixel thinking?

I have no problem in my code, my code works perfect (because I stopped thinking about pixels in whole numbers)! I just want to know how P5 or JS handles drawing ‘decimally’ on the canvas

I made an example to show that shows that decimals matter:

All versions of the Processing API use fractional pixel coordinates internally - p5.js, Processing(Java),, Processing.R etc. This is true for all forms of drawing (rect, ellipse, line, point, PShape, etc. etc.), not just text.

Here is a simple “slow text follows mouse” demo sketch in p5.js:

Ability to express fractional pixels is also built in to browser-based javascript rendering and to CSS.

However, how those get expressed during rendering was for a long time an implementation detail of different browsers:

As screens (even small ones) increase in size / pixel density and as devices increase in processing power, the general trend is towards all contemporary browsers using sub-pixel rendering.