// Variables
int STOP = 1;
float count = 0;
PImage B1;
PImage Background;
PImage B2;
PImage B3;
PImage Start;
float x = 0;
float x2 = 0;
float y = 1080;
float y2 = 1080;
int Score = 0;
int Highscore;
float speed = 3;
float speed2 = 5;
// 70 tall
// 60 Wide
void setup () {
//screen size
//size(1920, 1080);
B1 = loadImage("B1.png");
B2 = loadImage("B2.png");
Background = loadImage("Background.png");
Start = loadImage("Start.png");
void draw() {
if (mousePressed) {
STOP = 0;
image(Start, 0, 0);
if (STOP == 0 ) {
// Background
background(0, 255, 0);
image(Background, 0, 0);
// Score
text("Score: " + Score, 100, 100);
text("Highscore: " + Highscore, 100, 200);
if (Score > Highscore) {
Highscore = Score;
if (count >= 20) {
speed = speed + 3;
speed2 = speed2 + 3;
count = 0;
// X pos Randomiser
if (y == 1080) {
x = random(50, 1850);
// x2 pos randomiser
if (y2 == 1080) {
x2 = random(50, 1850);
//Show Balloon
// Debug Stuff
//println("MOUSE:" + mouseX);
//println("X pos:" + x);
//println("MOUSE Y:" + mouseY);
count = count + .01;
void shape() {
// Pos for balloon
image(B1, x, y = y - speed);
image(B2, x2, y2 = y2 - speed2);
// check for if it is too high
if (y <= 0 || y2 <= 0) {
y = 1080;
y2 = 1080;
Score = 0;
// Hit detection
if (mousePressed == true) {
if (!(mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + 60 && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + 70 )) {
//speed = speed + .2;
//Score = Score - 1;
if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + 60 && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + 70 ) {
y = 1080;
Score ++;
if (mouseX >= x2 && mouseX <= x2 + 60 && mouseY >= y2 && mouseY <= y2 + 70 ) {
y2 = 1080;
Score = Score + 2;
if (speed > 1.5) {
//speed = speed - .6;
// BTW this is a game were you need to pop ballons to get your score up and i really want to start saving my highscores so they dont go away when i close out of it so yea thxs for helpingPreformatted text